Chapter 30

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Moni whined, waking up from the sun shining through the curtains. Not only that, but her Daddy wasn't in bed with her.

Moni sat up quickly, her bottom lip quivering as she remembered everything from last night. Daddy wasn't there no more, he was half way across the world probably.

Without anymore thoughts, Moni inhaled a large amount of air before starting to scream loudly with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Calm down, Moni, I'm here, I'm right here." Moni immediately hushed at the sound of a male voice.

"Daddy?" She turned her head towards the bathroom, only to see at Hoseok rush to her, making her continue with her loud cries.

"What's wrong? Why is she crying like that?" Jungkook busted into the door, seeing Hobi trying to calm down a crying Moni that only cried louder once she saw Jungkook and not Yoongi.

"Right, shit, Moni has little space." Hoseok told Jungkook as he finally managed to pick up the little who only cried and struggled to get out of his grip.

"What's that?" Jungkook asked.

"When an stressed or traumatized adult slips into a carefree mind state, basically acts like a baby! Here, she doesn't want me!" Hoseok hurriedly explained to Jungkook before putting Moni in his hands after getting bitten so many times from the struggling little.

Jungkook stared down at the teary eyes that looked up at him, trying to progress what Hoseok explained to him. He, of course, was aware of Armoni's weird childlike behavior but somehow just thought she was a little messed up in the head but little space?

"Don't look at her like that-" Jungkook didn't even know what look he had in his face but it did make Moni cry out again, interrupting Hoseok in the middle of his speech.

"Now look what you did!" Hobi said, mentioning to Moni who was now crying even louder.

"What do I do?!" Jungkook asked as he held Moni closer to him.

"Treat her like a baby, rock her, sweet talk her, do something!" Hoseok yelled. Jungkook nervously looked down at Moni one more time before putting a hand on her head.

"I-it's okay, little one. Please stop crying." Jungkook gently swayed them both side to side.

Finally after what felt like hours, Moni was silent, causing both of the men to let out a sigh of relief even though she was only quiet and not sleep.

"Mmmhh" a long whine came out of the littles mouth, causing Jungkook to quickly look down.

"Shhh, no, no, no, it's okay, little one." Jungkook brought a hand up to Moni's face to rub her dried tears away but the next thing that happened shocked him.

Moni grabbed in hand and stuck 2 of his fingers in her mouth!

"Uh, Hobi!" Jungkook called out to Hoseok, not knowing what to do. There was a 100% change that if he snatched his fingers out of her mouth then she would cry again.

"Shut up, Kook, and don't think about it sexually. Little space, she is in a 2 year old headspace and if you get turned on by it then you might just actually be a pedophile." Hobi reminded him.

"She must have completely slipped into a 2 year old mindset. We're gonna need pacifiers, bottles, other shit like that." Hoseok said as he went over to Jungkook to look at the little who had it's eye's close why peacefully softly sucking on Jungkook's fingers.

"Yoongi would kill you if he saw this." Hoseok suddenly laughed.

"Literally. But shut up, she's sleeping!" Jungkook said, slightly thinking about what Yoongi would actually say if he saw his wife sucking on another man's fingers.

"Tell me more about little space." Jungkook said as he moved himself and Moni to the bed, Moni still having a tight grip on his wrist to keep his fingers in her mouth.

"Like I said, when an adult slips into a carefree mindset to cope with trauma or other problems. Little space can be sexual if the caregiver and little both give consent but it's not a kink or ddlg." Hoseok explained while looking down at the cute little.

"And Yoongi's knows about this?" Jungkook asked.

"Duh. Please do be disgusted or think of Armoni different know, it's her way of coping with stress." Hoseok stated while glaring at Jungkook.

"No, I'm not. it's just that I never heard of something like it before." Jungkook said.

"Can we please get her a pacifier though?" Jungkook finally asked. The feeling of the inside of her mouth just felt weird and every once and then he could feel her mouth get tighter around her fingers.

"Sure, I'll go get her one. If she wakes up, just do your best to comfort her. Tell her that her daddy will be back with candy if she is a good girl." Jungkook scrunched his face up.

"A good girl? Daddy-?" Hoseok immediately cut him off.

"Not sexual and just tell it to her!" Hoseok whisper yelled before going out the door.

"Guess it's just you and mE!" Jungkook jumped when he looked at Moni and already saw her staring back up at him with doe glossy big eyes. When he jumped, he accidentally snatched his hand away.

"I didn't even get to the elevator yet and he's already messing up." Hoseok muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes, getting in the elevator and pushing floor 2.

"Oh shit, no, I'm sorry. Let's play down and go back to sleep, you can suck on my fingers even though they probably taste like hand sanitizer which is bad for you." Jungkook rambled on as he laid down next to Moni who just watched his with teary eyes.

"See look. Delicious fingers." Jungkook showed her his hand, to which Moni almost immediately took and stuffed them in her mouth.

Jungkook's body stiffened up when Moni threw a leg across his legs and laid her hand of his chest, smoothly rubbing it around his chest in circles.

Jungkook uncontrollably let out a tiny moan when Moni's hand found his hard nipples, toying with it even though she didn't know what it was in the toddler mindset.

"I'm getting harassed. Not sexual, not sexual, just getting harassed by a unknowing toddler, not sexual, not sexual!" Jungkook whispered to himself as he tried to keep his moans in.

"Great, now that you're here you can fucking help me!" Jungkook almost yelled out with Hoseok quietly entered the room, almost choking with laughter at the sight he was seeing.

Jungkook was red, as if his skin has been died, and sweating as if he he'd ran a marathon. All while a sleeping Moni was playing with his nipple while still sucking on his fingers while sleep.

"Why does all this shit happen to me?" Jungkook questioned.

"Here. Place it in her mouth carefully while you escape." Hoseok handed him the transparent purple pacifier.

"Where'd you get a random pacifier from?" Jungkook asked.

"Jisoo and Jin can't wait for a grandchild. Gotta inform that to Yoongi when he get back." Hoseok already knew that Yoongi was gonna be back, because he had a lot of hope.

Jungkook didn't replied and just carefully slipped out of his place, the pacifier replacing his fingers.

"Well, I'm gonna be in my room. Does this make me a pedophile?" Jungkook asked, mentioning to the boner he got after being tortured for 10 whole minutes.

"Just get out." Hobi rolled his eyes while throwing a pillow at Jungkook.

"I'll watch the baby." Hoseok went over to the bed.

"Thanks, I needed this."

Jungkook used the pillow to cover his crotch as he walked out of the room awkwardly.

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