Chapter 19

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"Yoonie!!" Armoni giggled and ran to Yoongi as she opened the door.

"Hello, princess, did you have fun?" Yoongi smiled and pulled the girl into his lap.

"Yesh, so mush fun! We wathed princess!" Armoni seemed to be in little space as she was acting exactly how Hobi explained little space to him.

"You're not too busy, right? I can take her back if you are." Yeji asked her older brother as she looked at the scattered papers around the desk.

"No, it's okay." Yoongi tried to assure his younger sister as he played with Armoni's waist.

"Are you sure, Yoongi? With the execution coming up and how stressed you seem to be, I don't want Armoni getting in your way and I certainly don't have a problem taking her a little longer." Yeji said.

"No! I want stay wit Yoonie and wont get in way!" Armoni gripped onto Yoongi's shirt tightly.

"Okay, fine. Be good, okay, Mon Mon?" Armoni smiled and nodded, Yeji looked at Yoongi one more time before leaving.

"Shooga!" Armoni got up from Yoongi's lap to get Suga.

"Yoonie, shooga wan youw to pway wih me!" Armoni got up from the floor, leaving Suga and going back to Yoongi.

"I can't play with you, right now, love. How about you color or do something else while I'm busy." Yoongi tried to tell the little.

"No, you hab to pay with Moni!" Armoni whined.

"Moni, I really, really can't right now, but if you color for a little bit then I'll probably be able to play then." Yoongi tried to persuade the younger.

"Fine!" Armoni finally gave in and ran to the drawer, pulling out paper and art supply.

"Stop running." Yoongi told her. Armoni seemed to roll her eyes at him, leaving Yoongi shocked by her action as she never done that, at least not to him.

"Moni been culowing for a while, so pway now?" Armoni got up to asked him for the 5th time in the last 30 minutes.

"Darling, do you want to go with Yeji and them again?" Yoongi asked.

"No! Wanna stay wit Yoonie." Armoni said.

"Okay you can stay but you said that you wouldn't get in my way." Yoongi sighed. The amount of patience he had for the young girl was crazy.

"But Moni doesn't wan to get in Yoonie way, she jus wan ta pway." Armoni whined as she explained to Yoongi.

"Yes, I know Moni wants to play but I have to finish this first and then we can play."  Yoongi tried to explain to the younger.

"But I wanna pway now! Youw neber pway wit Moni!" Armoni pouted.

"Yes, I do. How dare you say I don't?" Yoongi got offended by what Armoni said.

"No, youw don't, youw abways weave Moni with someone elws!" Armoni yelled.

"Moni, I said we could play later, and I could have sworn I told you that I had responsibilities as the king." Yoongi sighed as he runned his head. It didn't make no sense where all this was coming from.

"Buck youw and yourw resbonsibwiwities!" Yoongi shot his head up to Armoni as he heard what she said.

"Don't you dare speak that way to me! Where did you get that from?!" Yoongi walked up to Armoni.

"I'm not a little kid, Yoongi, but you always treat me like one!" Yoongi then realized that he was now talking to grown Armoni.

"Because you act like one! You are barely ever out of you headspace and you always whine like a fucking cry baby, which is exactlywhy I treat you like one!!" Yoongi yelled to her.

"I fucking hate you and you're a liar!" That was when Yoongi let his temper get the best or him as he walked up closer to her, slapping her without even realizing it, makin her face swing to the side.

It was silent as Yoongi looked at his hand and then back to the girl, realizing with he did.

"Armoni, I'm so sor-!" He heard Armoni sob before she ran to the bathroom, closing the door behind her before locking it.

"Armoni, baby, please come out!" Yoongi was quick to go after her.

"N-no, please just-just leave!" Armoni cried out from the other side of the door.

"Please, open the door, baby, I know, I know I shouldn't have done that and I didn't mean to!" Yoongi banged on the door and her yelled.

"You-you are just go-going to hit me a-again." Armoni sobbed.

"No, darling, I am so sorry, i never meant to hurt you and I won't ever do it again.

"You're acting like them!" Armoni yelled from the bathroom.

"Like who, baby?" Yoongi asked confused as he stopped banging on the door.

"No! You said I wouldn't have to be scared of them anymore but you're just like them!" Armoni yelled back, answering his question.

"How am I like them? I haven't done anything since you got here but try to heal you from all the pain you have suffer through for so long, tried to make you feel like you had somebody by your side. This is a one time thing that I am starting to hate myself over yet you have the audacity to compare me to them? How?" Yoongi asked, shocked at the comparison.

"Cause, Yoongi, cause you hurt me! Yes I know you apologized amd that it was a accident, but that's exactly how she started, she did it once and apologized, I forgave her but it went on and on, a-and I don't want that to happen with you because I actually love you!" Armoni started crying again.

"And I love you, too, darling. That's the difference between me and them, they didn't love you and they hurt you because they wanted to. I actually love you and I hurt you one time on accident just because of my personal problems and I absolutely hate myself for it." Yoongi slide down the door, leaning against it.

"I know you have been hurt and in pain for so long, with nobody even caring, and then I come into your life, someone you actually start trusting and then I pretty much do the same they did, I I hurt you. I'm so, so, so sorry, Armoni and I get it if you have to start the whole trusting process back over because I broke your trust. Just please don't hate me." Yoongi said with tears running down his eyes.

"Please, don't cry, Yoongi." Armoni said.

"I don't like it when people I love cry, it makes me cry, too." Armoni said.

"I-I will come out, but you promise not to hit me?" Armoni asked.

"Yes, yes baby, I promise I will never ever hit you again." Yoongi promised with his whole heart before getting out the way or the door.

There was a click before the door swung open, revealing Armoni with puffy and red eyes and tears stains down her cheek. Yoongi immediately hugged her, frowning slightly when he felt her flinch.

"I love you so much, Armoni." Yoongi mumbled into her hair.

"I love you, too, Yoongi. I don't hate you and I never meant to say that, just like you never meant to hurt me." Armoni said back to Yoongi.

"We can play all you want now, I guess it is true I don't spend enough time with you." Yoongi said as he pulled out from the hug.

"No, that's not true either. You spend enough time with me, even when you don't I still manage to have fun and am happy when I see you at the end of it. Like that one time when you took me to the garden, then that lake date, and you also sang with me and it was so fun!" Armoni explained to him.

"I know, but I- I don't know what to do anymore about anything." Yoongi sighed.

"I can help you with everything. Right after with take a nap." Yoongi smiled at the girl before picking her up and taking her to the bed, laying down next to her.

"I love you so much, Armoni. I don't even deserve you but I am very greatful." Yoongi mumbling into her ears and she laid her head on his chest.

"I love you, too, Yoongi. Thank you for saving me." Armoni said before dozing off.

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