Chapter 18

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Yoongi sat in his office, drinking coffee to help keep him up.

"Hoseok, can you please bring me the files off everyone that was at the orphanage?" Yoongi suddenly asked Hoseok who was playing checkers with Namjoon.

"Are you okay, Yoongi? You seem stressed or depressed, like you're thinking about something." Hobi asked as he handed Yoongi the thick stack of files.

"I'm fine, Hobi, it's just- Fine, I'll tell you." Yoongi knew he couldn't get out of this one. Hoseok was one of the therapist friends, he knew how to make people feel better and what to say to people, the type of therapist Armoni needed.

"I been thinking about getting Armoni a therapist sense she had a nightmare last night, but I also don't want her to change in anyway when she faces reality of what she actually been through. That's actually why I think she acts like a child, because children don't face reality and she doesn't want to face reality so she hids her mature self." Yoongi explained to Hoseok, Hobi nodding and sitting down as he sensed that it was going to be a long conversation.

"I told Jisoo about it last night also. She said that I wasn't going to do it for myself I should do it for Armoni cause she needed help even though she doesn't show it and a bunch more. And I also thought about the public executions and I don't know if I should have Armoni attend it or not since she already must be terrified."

"I see what your talking about. Can I see your computer?" Hobi took the computer without waiting for an answer from his bestfriend. He typed something before facing the computer back to Yoongi.

 He typed something before facing the computer back to Yoongi

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"You think she has 'little space'?" Yoongi questioned.

"Yeah but I'm exactly sure cause most little spaces who have gone through a child hood like that usually a like like a baby baby type of little but Armoni doesn't seem to need any of the pacifiers." Hobi explained to his friend.

"I could be her therapist if you'd like, though. I'm pretty good with these things and I read her quite well." Hoseok offered.

"How do you know?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, you remember last week when you left me with her? In the kitchen I told her about how me, you, and Namjoon made a cake that said 'happy anniversary' for Jin and Jisoo, she also wanted to make a cake that said 'sorry' for you, I-"

"Sorry for what?" Yoongi cut him off.

"I was still talking. I asked her why and she said told me about the Niki giving her a ring incident, I told her she had nothing to be sorry about and that you were just overprotective and possessive about things that you love, her being on of those. Then she told me that she thought that you were mad at her and didn't love her. I told her that you would never stop loving her ever such a thing, she said that they use to yell at her and they hated her, I didn't know what she was talking about then but I think a know now. At the end she just wanted to forget about it." Yoongi nodded.

"Oh. You really can read her well then, huh? I would love it if you could be her therapist, she really needs one." Yoongi explained to Hoseok who smiled and nodded.

"You know I'm free everyday." Hobi added.

"Good. I want to know every mental illness that she might have." Yoongi said strictly.

"The sessions will be everyday, starting at 9:30 amd ending at 11:30, at least if she can stay still for that long." Yoongi explained as he opened the first file.

"Okay, okay. I'll be careful with you precious wife." Hobi went back to playing checkers with Namjoon.

"You're so mean, Niki!" Armoni laughed as Niki ticked her.

"No, I'm not, I'm just not so nice." Niki laughed as he ticked her harder.

"Okay, okay. That's enough you 2, maybe we should actually start to build the pillow fort." Yeji said sarcastically as she picked up a cushion.

"Unnie, he won't stop!" Armoni whined as the tickling was now started to kind of hurt.

"You want me to stop? Okay." Niki stopped, raising his hand up, only to be surprised tickled by Armoni instead as she giggled.

"Uh, Children." Jimin sighed  as rolled his eyes playfully as he grabbed another cushion.

"Armoni what do you want to watch?" Rose asked the Queen as she looked through the DVDs they had.

"I want princess and frog!" Armoni said as she went to Rose.

"Um, okay we can watch princess and frog but you have to actually watch it instead of play around, okay?" Rose said to Armoni. Armoni nodded and ran back to Niki in the fort.

"Oppa, gimmie some, please." Armoni noticed Jimin with the popcorn.

"Armoni, do you like scary movies?" Jimin asked as he handing her the popcorn.

"Yes, chucky, conjuring, but I sometimes have bad dream of it." Armoni stated as a fact. She was about to eat the popcorn she had in her hand but Niki took it and ate it instead.

"Mmm, see, Niki? You are a meanie!" Armoni pouted. Niki laughed before grabbing popcorn and putting it in Armoni's mouth.

"Okay guys, enough talking, the movie has started." You told the 2, they giggled before paying all their attention to the screen.

All 5 of them were in the movie theater, watch princess and the frog with popcorn and a large fort they made. They went to get Armoni at around 12 PM since Yoongi kept on telling Jungkook one more hour.

"That's Niki!" Armoni pointed to the prince in all white.

"That's you!" Niki copied Armoni by pointed at Princess Tiana." Armoni giggled and nodded.

Niki and Armoni had ended up somehow becoming best friends in 3 hours, goofing around every second.

"And that's Rose!" Armoni pointed to the blonde in the pink dress.

"Why do I have to be her?" Rose fake pouted.

"Because you guys both have same dress and hair." Armoni spoke as a fact as she shrugged her shoulders.

It's short again cause I wanted you to see how all of this was arranged for Hoseok to be her therapist.

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