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She munch on her half-eaten sushi and let her anxiety disappears. Holly can't believe she has to deal with that drama. She is having a dinner date with her girl friends when suddenly a girl just ambushed her. The girl is not a stranger. They went to the same high school together and apparently "date" the same guy. Ever since then, they are not on a friendly terms. Thankfully her friends know how to deal with this kind of drama. The girl finally leave her alone and let her enjoy her night.

Holly and her friends enjoy their dinner and talk some more. It seems like everyone have their life together. Although her assistant job is not exactly a career, she is still happy with the job. There is always a room for improvement and a promotion. Her main goal right now is to enjoy her 20s and probably save some money.


Holly is sitting on her desk with her laptop in front of her. She just received an acceptance letter from the local university. For a moment, the time just stands still. She checks again just in case she read it wrong. She got in! She immediately run to her parents' and tell them the good news. She still can't believe she got in. They have a mini celebration in the kitchen; her mother quickly cook her favorite fried noodles, frozen dim sum and frozen red bean bun. They have a blast eating and celebrating.

That night she has a sleepless night. She just started her assistant job a few of months ago and now she has to make another decision. She try to shut her eyes but she can't. She grab her handphone and check the university website. Her eyes immediately go to the part-time study section of the program that she applied for. It will take her a year or two more to finish the degree if she takes the part-time master degree program. Very tempting. She can still have her job and study at the same time.

It's already pass midnight. She lay on her bed and close her eyes. This time she fall into a deep slumber.

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