The vet

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She has never been in a vet clinic before. Not even when she had a cat when she was younger. She register for the kitten at the counter and all she has to do now is wait at the foyer for a bit. The vet is tending the kitten. She named the kitten Kitty temporarily. Cat sits down at one of the industrial looking benches near a black and white goat with its owner. She never seen a goat up close before. She is dumbfounded by how casually the owner hold the goat by its leash. She stare and examine it nonchalantly for a few minutes. The goat stir for a little bit sensing someone is observing her. The owner try to calm it down by patting it by its head and give a weak smile to Cat. She wish she can take a photo for this moment - it's not often anyone can sit next to a goat.

Her attention diverted when a couple of dog owners and their dogs walk in the room. They immediately go to the counter for registration and proceed to the empty chairs next to her. They have a golden retriever and a husky. The dogs look friendly but Cat feels intimidated by their size. They are massive. She try to say hi to the dogs and wave. The golden retriever is excited by this gesture and try to leap onto Cat. She panics but thankfully the owner stops it in time. She mouthed sorry to the owner and she waits quietly.

She hope she has enough money to pay the vet bill. She is still in her sportswear and suddenly realize how thirsty she is. She hasn't had the chance to stop for a drink. The vet calls her name and she walks to the examining room. The moment she step in the room, she can see the weak kitten looking more livelier than before. She rush to the kitten and immediately hug her. She can feel the familiar warmth from the kitten. She miss this feeling.


She put the sleeping kitten in her temporary bed and rush off to have a shower. It has been a couple of hour since she found the kitten. The cold water feels so good on her bare skin. She can feel it washes away the dirt and sweat. From beneath the shower head, she can hear her growling stomach. She is starving.

Cat put on her white shirt and a pair of jeans. She dry her hair and add a little bit of makeup. She checks herself on the mirror and give a sudden pout. When she is satisfy with her look, she grab her Chanel bag and check on the kitten before leaving the house.

She decided to get a big breakfast today because her stomach growls nonstop ever since she got back home from the vet. She order the breakfast special - pancakes with maple syrup, beef rasher, sunny side up and baked beans.  She scans through the restaurant. The restaurant is empty except for the two women sitting three tables away from her. She wonder what are they doing here on a Thursday morning. Are they here for a work meeting or just a casual breakfast?

While she continues debating with this question, Cat suddenly remember that she needs to buy some supplies for the kitten. That's the reason she decided to eat out this morning in the first place. She do a little research on her phone and she  is surprise by how many cat supplies there are in the market. They sell a variety of food, toys, cat litter supplies and grooming kit. They even sell Eid clothes for the cats. Does she needs to buy an Eid clothing for the kitten? It is tempting.

After feels like ages, the waiter place her breakfast and a cup of coffee in front of her. She devour her breakfast with relish. It doesn't take long for her to finish her food. She rest for a bit before sipping her hot coffee.

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