She turn off her phone and clean herself. She lay on her bed with Hope and talk to her. Hope cuddle beside her and meows in agreement - listening to her problems like no one ever did. She cut herself off from the world for the night. She do not want to spend her time with any human being at the moment. Laila is frustrated with the world and everything in it. She only want to spend her time with her supportive cat in her bedroom. Laila change into a comfortable gray kaftan after her shower.
She cried on her way home in the dart. The driver, a lady in her 20s with a bob hair do, asked Laila if she is okay with which Laila simply nodded. The driver didn't say anything the entire ride home but turn on the radio to ease the awkwardness between them. The driver offer her some tissues to wipe off her tears and clean her Rudolph runny nose. She tried to calm herself down because she did not want to scare the driver. Laila isn't sure if the driver have any experience driving a crying passenger before but the driver did looked a little scared. The scared but nice driver even offer Laila some candies to help calm her down.
She try to erase her teary eyes and Rudolph red nose moments to make everything feels bearable that night. She do not want to relive that moment - at least not right now.
Laila spend her entire Sunday in her room eating pizzas and sushis. Drinking a few cans of cola the entire day. She locked herself in her room with plenty of sugary snacks as well to numb her pain from last night. She just eat, drink and lay on her bed. The depressive episode come again like the monsoon rain.
The monsoon rain that she hope can just go away.

What I think about life.
Ficção GeralA life story about two girls who live in a modern day Brunei.