Chapter 1

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(It'll always be in Y/N's POV, if I don't say it)

*alarm ringtone* 

"Urg." I groaned as my alarm rings in the entire room. I struggled to catch my phone and I put the thing off. "Great, the return to hell, yoohoo." I sarcastically said. I'm not hyped to go to school again, even if my summer break was not eventful, which changed since one or two years, which I'm grateful to be honest, because it was the good kind of eventful. I got up and made my way into the bathroom to splash my face with cold water, always a good call. I prepared myself, brush my hear, get dressed and I made my ways in the kitchen.

"Hello dear." My mother greeted me as I made my way downstairs, I smiled at her and I tilted my head. "Are you ready to go to school ?" She asked me. "To be honest Mom, not at all. And you know why." I said as I ate some breakfast she made for me, bread with Nutella and a glass of milk on the side, always good. "I'm sure it will change son. After all you might encounter someone who will make you wanna go to school !" She positively said, my mom was always cheering me up, even in my darkest hours. "Thanks mom, I sure hope so." I said, finishing my milk. I got up to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Maybe you'll find a girl !" My mom yelled since the kitchen. I smiled at her sentence, a sane girl wouldn't want me after all, nice try. "Okay I'm off Mom, see you later !" I said as I get off the L/N household, and made my way to the school.

Chara's POV.

"FRISK WE'LL BE LATE !" I yelled at my sister, not a biological one, but feels like one. "OKAY SHUT UP I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN !" Frisk yelled back at me, she always take an eternity to do her make-up, which she didn't need, she's already beautiful as she is. 5 minutes later, she rushed at the door to meet with me. "Okay, good, are you ready ?" She asked me. "Since 10 minutes, yes." I tiredly responded. "Ow come on Chara, school isn't bad now." She tried to comfort me. "I'm not so sure, my past school experience is still haunting me." I said, my past life isn't something you call 'wholesome'. "I know, but if someone tries to do shit, I'm doing to make them regret." Frisk said seriously.  "Ahah, thanks Frisk, I have a feeling everyone will avoid me." I said, pointing at my red-blooded eyes. "As they should, after all you dislike humanity." Frisk stated, opening the door. "I like you, but only you, and in a sister way." I said, laughing a little and following her outside. "Fortunately you like me as a sister." She laughed as well.

Y/N's POV.

Great, there's everyone in the class, at least my place isn't taken, which is at the back row, near the wall, it's cool, I can use the wall as a pillow, if I place my sweat between my head and the wall of course. So, this plan is simple, I chill out, I wait until lunch, I eat lunch alone, I chill out, I wait until school is over. That plan is what I've been doing at school, since I was 13. 

"Okay great, so hello everyone, and welcome back to Ebott High ! And I'd like to introduce to you not one, but two new students !" The professor, Mr. Edwin said happily, by far the greatest teacher out in this shitty school. The 2 new students made their way into the class, and it was two girls. One girl with purple t-shirt and brown jeans, her eyes was closes for some reason, and the other was wearing a green sweat-shirt with a yellow stripe, brown shorts with black leggings underneath. Oh and she had red eyes. "Hello, my name is Frisk Dreemurr, nice to meet you all and I hope we will have a good year together !" The purple t-shirt one, or Frisk said, she's positive, enthusiastic and seems to like smiling, good for her. "Hey, Chara Dreemurr, nice to meet you all." The green sweatshirt one, or Chara, introduced herself, seems like she's faking the 'nice' tone in her voice, you need training lady. "Okay, please go and take your seat." Mr. Edwin said, and I noticed that the 2 sits next to me wasn't taken, I'm hoping that it will be Chara, like that I won't be talking. ... And here goes my luck. "Hi, I'm Frisk and that's my sister Chara, can we sit here ?" Frisk said, pointing at the empty chairs. "Hey, go for it." I simply said. "Thanks !" She responded with a smile. "Oh since you are next to them, Y/N could you show them around, I'll give you three one hour before lunch to do so." Mr. Edwin said. I couldn't say no to one free hour. "Yes teach." I responded with a tired voice. "Great ! Now let's begin with the program shall we ?"

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