Talking About Having a Baby

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Luke: "Hey boo, hello!" You bounce your two year old niece on your lap, grinning as she giggles "you're precious. Yes you are cutie!" When you look up, you see your fiancé, Luke, smiling over at you from the dinner table, where he's sitting with the other males of your family, chatting about football. He winks at you, making you blush "you are so cute with Luke" you snap your head up, laughing slightly as your sister in law grins "Carolyn-we were just-" "oh come on I saw him winking at you, you guys are adorable. I can't wait till you guys have the wedding and have a kid" she muses, you chuckle hesitantly, turning her comment over in your head. She is still talking, but you aren't really paying attention, you play with your engagement ring,  your eyes flitting towards Luke, watching as he laughs with your cousin, taking a swig of his beer, he nods, running his hand through his hair and chuckling. "(Y/N)? You okay?" "Hmm...what? Yeah" Carolyn laughs, shaking her head "you really are head over heels for the boy" she says with a sly grin. You turn your attention back to your niece, who is sitting on your lap quietly, picking at the hem of her dress with the utmost interest "oh now sweetie don't do that. You'll ruin it" you murmur. You can see Carolyn smirking, and you find out why when a strong pair of arms loop around your shoulders, and Luke's familiar scent envelopes you as he kisses your neck. Your niece shrieks in excitement, making Luke laugh "hello to you too sweetums" he boops her nose, making her erupt into a fit of giggles. You watch this exchange with Carolyn's comment dancing on your mind, and you find yourself smiling as Luke presses a kiss to your temple. "We gotta get going baby" he says softly, and you sigh, not looking forward to the long drive home. You say your goodbyes and you and Luke get on the road. "Your family is so fun" Luke grins, you nod and hum in agreement, not really into the conversation. "You okay?" He asks, slipping his hand into yours "oh me? Yeah" you say too quickly, Luke frowns, his eyes darting between you and the road "okay you can't lie for shit so just tell me" he chuckles, you sigh and lean back, trying to find the most delicate way to say what is on your mind, not wanting to freak him out. "Well I was talking to Carolyn...and well she said something-something that I've been thinking about, for a while now actually...and I know we've talked about having kids before, but never seriously and...I've been considering it for a while. And I've realised that I kinda-really want a baby" you can feel Luke's thumb rubbing over the back of your hand, but you don't dare look at him. "To be completely honest with you-I would love nothing more" he says softly, kissing your knuckles "we can start as soon as we get home" he adds cheekily, smirking, and pressing his foot down on the gas.

Calum: You sigh, putting down your phone and climbing into bed, snuggling up to Calum's bare chest "you all right boo?" He murmurs, nuzzling your hair "no" you whisper, your voice cracking, he frowns, studying your face worriedly "what's wrong my girl?" He asks, brushing away your tears gently "all my friends are having babies, and my sisters are having babies and my brother's wives and girlfriends are having babies, everyone is having babies and everyone is expecting me to have a baby" you blurt, hiccuping as Calum strokes your cheek "well don't you want a baby?" He asks, you nod slowly, biting your lip "just not right now, but everyone is pressuring me! My family, my friends, the media...I just don't want to take such a huge step yet" you whimper "right, right of course" Calum mumbles, his eyebrows drawn down "why not though?" He asks hesitantly, you sigh "I just don't think I'll be very good at it...motherhood you know? You'd make an amazing father but I just...I don't know...why? Do you want a baby?" He nods, gently tracing the curve of your shoulder "but I can wait as long as you want to" he smiles, kissing you lightly.

Ashton: You giggle, watching the ducks devour the soggy bread floating in the pond "aw Ash look at the little ducklings oh they're so cute and fuzzy and little and cute!" you coo, throwing some bread to a group of ducklings bobbing on the water "you're cute" Ashton laughs, kissing your cheek as you toss the last piece of bread to the ducks "come on, let's walk" he takes your hand in his, pulling you away from the ducks and onto the pathway "we should get ducks" you pout, glancing wistfully over your shoulder at the ducks quacking forlornly after you "babe we live in an apartment building" Ashton reminds you, chuckling "well yeah...but we could get like a little kiddie pool?" You giggle, Ashton shakes his head fondly, biting his lip as he smiles down at you "what?" He shrugs, kissing you briefly "I just love you" he grins, kissing you again. You walk on in silence for a few minutes, admiring the park "I want a baby" Ashton blurts, you are caught off guard, shocked and speechless by your boyfriend's sudden proclamation, and noticing your silence Ashton quickly apologizes "I'm sorry I-I wasn't thinking, it just-it came out" he stammers, you shake your head, grabbing his face in your hands and kissing him passionately "Ash I'd love a baby-our own little duckling" you squeal, jumping up and down and kissing him repeatedly, laughing, he grabs your waist to still you, pulling you into his arms for a slow, deep kiss.

Michael: "Hi Mikey" you smile, kissing your husband and guiding him to the dining room, where you have laid out a decadent dinner of lamb and roast potatoes, complete with wine and candles "oh baby what's all this for? I haven't missed something have I? Baby if I have I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you I swear-" "Michael it's nothing, I just wanted to make you a nice dinner just to show you how much I love you and appreciate you" you chuckle, he beams at you, sitting down across from you as you pile food onto both your plates and pour out some red wine "I love you, you know that?" He takes your hand in his, kissing your knuckles gently "you're amazing baby, and you look so beautiful tonight" you giggle, sipping your wine and blushing at his compliments. You both dig into the meal, making small talk about your day until Michael clears his throat and fixes you with a piercing gaze "why did you make this dinner tonight? Really? Because I know it must have taken ages and must have been tons of work" you sigh and bite your lip, pushing around a few string beans on your plate "I just wanted to discuss something" you mumble, suddenly feeling shy, Michael leans forward, obviously ready to listen "I wanted to discuss maybe...having a baby?" You whisper, Michael was obviously not expecting that, and he freezes, blinking rapidly "uh we-(Y/N) I-we're not-I-no...I don't think we're ready for-for such a responsibility-I..." he notices your hurt expression and sighs "darling it's not that I don't want kids with you, of course I do...I just don't feel like I'm ready for that y'know? Maybe next year?" He suggests, stroking the back of your hand, you shrug, forcing down the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks and swallowing the lump in your throat.

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