Picking A Name

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Luke: "What do you think about naming him Andrew after my dad?" Luke asks, setting a plate of food in front of you, you shrug, taking a bite of egg "I would love to, except my first proper boyfriend was called Andrew, and I don't know it would be kinda weird, don't you think so?" you mumble, pushing food around on your plate "why? Are you still hung up on him?" Luke folds his arms over his chest, his eyebrows raised teasingly "no...but I lost my virginity to him in the bathroom of a nightclub" you giggle "so that crosses Andrew off the list" Luke says quickly, sitting down across from you "what about Tobias?" You ask, Luke makes a face and shakes his head "nah, Tobias Hemmings? I'm not a fan. How do you feel about Alexander?" He suggests, you bite on your thumb nail, thinking about it "I quite like it...but I don't know, maybe for the middle name, I think we should come up with something else. What about Darren?" You offer, Luke shakes his head, running a hand through his hair "I'm not feeling it, Darren Alexander Hemmings...it's not too bad, but I'm just not feeling it" he sighs, you run your palms over your stomach, raking through your head "what about Kurt?" "Like Kurt Cobain?" Luke asks, you nod, grinning as you see Luke's blue eyes light up "Kurt Alexander Hemmings...it's perfect, damn, I knew I picked the right woman" he chuckles, moving over to you and kissing you "you're a freaking genius my girl, it's absolutely perfect" he hums, kissing your whole face, his hands on your rounded stomach "your mummy's a genius Kurt!" He laughs, kissing your stomach, he hugs you tightly, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

Calum: "No Calum, we're not naming one the boy Robin! Robin Hood? It's ridiculous!" You sigh, settling into bed, he pouts at you but you shake your head, you turn off your lamp and pull the duvet up, lying down "well what about Amanda for the girl? Amanda Hood...I'm in da hood...you get it?" He giggles, you groan and turn away from him "these are our children Calum, can you at least be serious for two seconds" you snap, starting to feel angry "I'm sorry babe, I was just kidding" he murmurs, pulling you into his arms, he kisses the top of your head, nuzzling his cheek against your hair "I really like the names Xia and Alma, we could pick one if you like?" he says softly, his hands moving to stroke your growing bump "I like Xia" you hum, Calum smiles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder "Xia Hood" he grins "and we could have maybe Raven? Well no actually I prefer Opal" you suggest, he nods, smiling as one of the babies begins to kick "and I know it would mean a lot to my mum if-only if you want to-we could give the girls traditional middle names? Maori names I mean" He asks hopefully, biting his lip and propping himself up on his side "that would be amazing!" You smile "how do you feel about Akenehi? It means pure." "I love it" you hum, smiling as he kisses you softly "and Emiri, which means wise" he murmurs, stifling a yawn as you cuddle up to his chest "it's beautiful baby" you say softly, laying down as he wrapping his arms protectively around you "Xia Akenehi and Opal Emiri, my beautiful girls" he breathes kissing your hair.

Ashton: "I would love to use a classic name like George or Richard for a boy, but at the same time I wanna use a name that's different, like Kipp or...Quagmire" you sigh, Ashton snorts, his thumb rubbing circles on your tummy "Quagmire babe? Really?" He laughs, you giggle and shrug "I really like the name Damon" Ashton hums, nuzzling his face against your neck, you nod thoughtfully "I think we can go with Damon for a boy...yeah, Damon George Irwin?" You grin, Ashton nods, smiling widely "I love it, it's perfect. Damon George Irwin. This is my son, Damon George Irwin. Yeah I like it, it fits." He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder "wait though. What if it's a girl Ash? I know you feel like it's a boy, and to be honest I do to, but I don't know, what if the baby is born and we're all 'Damon George, Damon George' and then the baby well...isn't y'know?" You ask, starting to panic "hey baby, baby relax. It's okay, we have time, anyways, I have a great idea for a girl name, and I think you're going to love it" Ashton soothes, kissing your cheek gently, you nod and settle back into his embrace "I was thinking,  that if the baby turns out to be a girl, then we could name her Delilah." He says softly, you smile, your eyes filling with tears "Delilah...it's perfect Ash, of course" you breathe, he nods, stroking your hair "Lila for short I guess, and her middle name I was thinking could be Rose, if you like?" He murmurs, you nod "it's such a beautiful name Ash, Delilah Rose...it's absolutely perfect" you sniffle, snuggling into his chest as he kisses the top of your head.

Michael: "Amelia?" Michael suggests, you frown and shake your head, sighing as you flick through the pages of your baby book "no it's not...different enough" you grumble, Michael laughs and takes a sip of his coffee "okay, you want different honey? What about Snowbird" he jokes, you close your book and pretend to think, grinning softly as a worried expression appears on Michael's face "well you know...Snowbird Clifford doesn't sound too ba-" "I-I was kidding babe, we're not actually naming our daughter Snowbird" Michael stammers, setting his mug down on his nightstand, a frown tugging on his lips "I know Michael I'm just messing with you" you giggle, he rolls his eyes playfully and nudges you "what do you think about Daphne?" You ask, he shrugs "it's okay, but Daphne Clifford doesn't really go" he mumbles, you nod, groaning "why is this so hard? I hate this, this sucks" you whine, Michael chuckles and presses a gentle kiss to your lips, letting you tangle your fingers in his black hair "what about Rhea?" He hums "no...I'm not feeling it...stupid name finding ugh-Phoenix! Let's name her Phoenix! Or-or Blaze!" You exclaim excitedly, Michael laughs and shakes his head "that's a bit wild for my taste sweetie, I want to name her something that's unique, but elegant. A princess name" he smiles, you sigh, your excitement cooled "do you like the name Anastasia?" He asks softly, you nod slowly, stroking your hands over your bump "yeah...yeah it's beautiful Mikey" you murmur, kissing his cheek "and if you really want we can make her middle name Phoenix" he grins, you giggle, poking his side "you wanna name her something wild too" you snicker, he smiles sheepishly and kisses your tummy "Anastasia Phoenix Clifford" he whispers.

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