Gender Predictions

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Luke: You groan, opening your eyes slowly to find Luke shaking you gently "you're shivering" he says softly, his eyebrows furrowed, you hum, moving closer to him, your foot bumping his leg, making him jump away "jesus (Y/N) your feet are like ice!" he exclaims, you nod "I'm cold Luke" you mumble, he pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back "my mum said cold feet and just coldness in general means you're having a boy, she had it with me, and my brothers" he chuckles, you smile, cuddling closer to him "do you think we're having a boy (Y/N)?" he asks, but you are fast asleep.

Calum: "You really can't get enough of the vegemite huh?" Calum chuckles, his face a mixture of amusement and disgust as you spoon vegemite onto a bowl of ice cream "its amazing with ice cream Cal, I'm not kidding" you mumble through a mouthful, he laughs, reaching over to wipe a dribble off your chin "oh that reminds me, Mali told me to ask if you've been craving sweet stuff or salty stuff, you know to see if we can determine the babies genders, but I'm kinda getting mixed signals here" he teases "well there are two babies Cal, it could be a mix, but I'm thinking two girls" you explain, he shakes his head "definitely not, it's a boy and a girl sweetie" he grins.

Ashton: "Okay check this out, I saw on the Internet that you can predict the baby's gender using this Mayan chart thing" Ashton says excitedly, showing you his phone, you giggle and shake your head "that stuff never works Ash" you laugh, grabbing a chocolate donut from the fridge "c'mon please please please, let's just try it" he begs, pouting at you, you roll your eyes "fine, but I don't believe in this stuff" you grumble, biting into your donut "okay so how old were you when the baby was concieved? Okay well it has to have been before your 25th because it was New Years. Okay and the year? That's tricky because, well okay I said I wanted to start the New Year in you didn't I...damn we were so drunk...I give up...I think its a boy" he laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Michael: "Hey babe" Michael grins, coming into the bedroom, he kisses you and sits next to you, laying a key on the bed in between you very deliberately "whatcha doin'?" you ask, he smiles proudly and runs a hand through his black hair "well uh, I saw this thing and uh, it's some test thing that Calum told me about, and there's no guarantee it's right but I thought it would be fun, and well basically you're supposed to pick up the key and it predicts the baby's gender, I know it's silly but I mean there's no harm in trying right?" he grins, you shrug and grab the key by the narrow end, holding it up "well?" "well it looks like we're having a girl" he laughs, wrapping you in his arms.

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