Finding Out The Gender

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Luke: "So would you like to know the gender of your baby?" the doctor asks, you bite your lip, your eyes darting to the door "I really would, but I know Luke would want to be here as well, I would feel so bad if I found out without him" you explain, biting your thumbnail "I understand, would you like to wait, or maybe schedule another appointment?" "sorry, sorry I'm late!" Luke exclaims, bursting into the room, he instantly crouches by your side, taking your hand in his, smiling at you "did you find out yet?" he asks, you shake your head and he turns to the doctor, his blue eyes wide "congratulations, you two are having a little boy" the doctor grins, you gasp, stroking your bump with one hand as Luke presses kisses to your knuckles "he's son" he whispers, tears forming in his eyes.

Calum: "The babies are looking very healthy, they are growing well, and they are old enough now for us to be able to tell the genders, would you like to find out or do you want it to be a surprise?" the doctor asks, you squeeze Calum's hand and look up at him, biting your lip "should we find out?" you ask, he grins "how about you find out one and I find out the other?" he asks, you smile and nod, turning to explain your plan to the doctor. Twenty minutes later, you are in the car, your hands folded over your bump, drumming against your skin "you wanna know what my baby is right?" Calum chuckles, looking over at you "yes, I'll tell you mine" you whine, he nods "mine was a girl" he says softly, smiling "mines a girl too" you murmur, he reaches over and takes your hand in his, running his thumb over your knuckles "I guess you were right baby" he laughs.

Ashton: "Hey Ash, I've been thinking a bit, and I was wondering about whether we should find out about the gender of the baby" you murmur, winding your fingers through Ashton's long hair, he hums, pressing a kiss to your growing belly "I don't know, can we even do that yet?" he asks, you nod "yeah I'm four months now" you chuckle, giggling at his shocked expression "already? Wow, you're getting so big already little duck" he cooes, nuzzling your stomach "so do you wanna find out?" you ask, he smiles softly and shakes his head "I want it to be a surprise" he murmurs, you nod "me too".

Michael: "Honey, I'm home" Michael calls up the stairs, you grin, excitement bubbling in your stomach as he appears in the bedroom door, you jump into his arms, hugging him tightly "hey there" he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead "what's got you so excited?" he laughs, swaying you in his arms till you both collapse on the bed in a fit of giggles, he leans down to kiss your stomach "how was the doctors appointment? I'm so sorry I missed it sweetie" he murmurs, you grin, threading your fingers through his black hair "it was great, your daughter is getting really big now" you smirk, his jaw falls slack and he sits up "it's a girl?!" he asks, you nod and he laughs, his eyes filling with tears "our-our little girl, we have a daughter" he stammers, cupping your face in his hands.

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