Deciding On A Birth Plan

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Luke: "Hey, look who's up" Luke grins, standing up to kiss your cheek, you hum and sit beside him on the couch "just looking up some stuff for a birth plan" he shrugs, showing you the search on his laptop "there's a ton of options y'know" he chuckles, clicking on one page "there's so many decisions-" "I think I wanna have a planned c-section" you blurt, expecting a positive reaction from your boyfriend, but he frowns, his eyebrows furrowed "what? Why?-In fact never mind that, the answer's no" he snaps, you scoff and roll your eyes "it's my body Luke" you remind him "yeah well it's my son and you" he counters, you raise your eyebrows and he sighs "I don't want you going into surgery if you don't have to, it scares the fuck out of me baby" he admits, his voice softer now "why? I'll be fine" you shrug, Luke shakes his head and moves closer to you, resting one hand on your bump "how am I supposed to know if you'll ever wake up? What if they make a mistake in there and I never get to see you again? What if I have to raise him on my own? Or if I lose both of you?" He rambles, his blue eyes wide with fear "shh Luke it's fine, shhh baby, I'm sorry I brought it up" you coo, he bites his lip and nods "we'll go to a birth centre or something" you add, he nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Calum: "I don't wanna do it in the hospital" you mumble, running your palms over your belly "I know you don't love, but it's not just one baby that we're having. You know the hospital is our safest option" Calum sighs, resting his cheek on your stomach and pouting up at you "can't I just have them here? Or at a birth centre or something?" You whine, he shakes his head "you know I'd compromise with you if I thought it was a good idea baby, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my foot down for this okay?" He says softly, pressing his lips just below your belly button "but Cal-" "please don't argue baby. I just wouldn't feel safe letting you do this anywhere else but the hospital." He gives you a sympathetic smile and you huff, giving in "thank you" he whispers, sitting up and kissing you softly.

Ashton: "What about a water birth?" Ashton hums, wrapping his arms around you and helping you step into the warm bath he'd prepared for you, you sigh, relaxing in the warmth, all the strain lifted from your back "I'd love that" you murmur, closing your eyes and allowing your stress to melt away "yeah?" Ashton smiles, climbing into the bath behind you, his large hands moving to your back, his fingers slowly working out the knots, you nod and lean back against him, smiling as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, sucking a small hickey into your skin "we could get a midwife or we could go to a birthing centre, whatever you want princess" he cooes "I think we should do it here" you say softly, placing your hands on top of Ashton's as he rubs circles on your bump, he nods and kisses the top of your head.

Michael: "I don't think I'll have an epidural when the time comes, I really want to do this naturally, and I think I can handle it" you admit, watching Michael, he pauses the video game he's playing and turns to you "are you sure babe? Not that I don't think you can do it, I just don't want to see you in pain" he murmurs, wriggling closer to you, you nod, weaving your fingers through his bleach blond hair, sighing softly "I just don't like the idea of a giant needle going in my spine" you mumble, Michael shudders "yeah, yeah okay. Hopefully it's not too painful" he hums, frowning worriedly as you giggle "and who do you want there? I was thinking maybe your mum could come, or my mum, if you want" he asks, running his fingers through your hair "they can all come, but I just want you in the delivery room" you murmur, nuzzling your face into his neck.

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