Starting To Show (His P.O.V)

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Luke: I scroll through my messages, rubbing my tired eyes to get used to the bright screen in the dim morning light, yawning, I glance over at (Y/N), who is fast asleep beside me, I smile to myself and press a light kiss to her forehead as I climb out of bed, I grab a towel and head into the bathroom, humming to myself. As I am rubbing shampoo into my hair, I hear the door fly open and (Y/N) retching into the toilet, cursing under my breath, I wrap my towel around my waist and hurry out to help her, holding her hair out of her face, I bite my lip when my eye begins to sting, shampoo dripping down my forehead and into my eye "babe are you okay?" I whimper, she takes a deep breath and nods, lifting her face, she notices my expression, one eye squeezed shut tight "go wash your eye out!" she exclaims, pushing me back into the shower, the warm water instantly relieves my pain and I sigh, suddenly realizing that in my attempt to help (Y/N) I got her all covered in shampoo "you might as well come in and join me" I chuckle, she shrugs and peels off her clothes, climbing in beside me, I can't help but scan her body quickly, my eyes stopping at her stomach, my jaw drops and I meet her gaze, she nods knowingly, giggling at my reaction "there's-there's a bump-there's a bump (Y/N)! It's growing, our baby is growing!" I say excitedly, I lay my hands on her bump tentatively, gently stroking the soft skin, a small watery chuckle slips past my lips and I realize I have tears in my eyes, I look up at her and kiss her passionately "thank you so much, I love you" I murmur against her lips.

Calum: I run the brush gently through (Y/N)'s hair, smoothing the stray bits behind her ear, I kiss her exposed shoulder gently, nuzzling the side of her neck, she giggles "that tickles Cal" she murmurs "yeah?" I hum, she nods, giggling again "what about...this?" I attack her sides, tickling her wildly "Calum! No-oo-Cal s-stoo-op" she squeals, we writhe around until she's under me, both of us panting and laughing, I kiss her softly before rolling off of her onto my back, suddenly, a scary thought hits me "(Y/N)? You don't think I hurt the babies do you?" I ask, propping myself up on my side, she smiles up at me and shakes her head "of course not Cal, don't be silly" she chuckles, smoothing her hands over her stomach, I frown, my eyebrows furrowed "do that again..." I mumble, my eyes fixed on her stomach, she repeats her actions and I gasp, I lift up her top, peppering kisses over her small baby bump, she giggles, running her hands through my hair "that tickles Cal" she whispers, no other words are spoken, we both know what the other is feeling.

Ashton: I unlock the apartment door and trudge in, leaving my snowy boots by the door and shaking frost from my hair "(Y/N)" I call, I don't hear an answer, so I drop my coat on the kitchen table, rubbing my palms together to warm up, I reach the living room and smile at the sight of (Y/N) asleep and curled up into a little ball on the couch, her hand resting protectively on her stomach. I trail over to her and lean over her, brushing the hair out of her face to kiss her forehead, she speaks incoherently and opens her eyes slowly "Ash-you're so cold" she mumbles, yawning slightly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I whisper, she shakes her head and sits up "why are you so cold?" she asks, her warm fingers touching my freezing cheek "first snowfall" I chuckle, nodding my head at the window, where a flurry of snow is whirling out in the wind, (Y/N) gasps, suddenly wide awake "oh Ash let's go out in the snow!" she cheers, leaping up, but I grab her hand and pull her back "I don't think that's a great idea in your condition, I don't want you slipping on ice or getting sick" I say softly, she pouts but I shake my head, pulling her into my arms, I rub her stomach and smile as I realise how rounded it has become "baby Irwin has just started to grow" I chuckle.

Michael: "(Y/N)? Babe are you ready?" I call up the stairs, I don't hear a response so I turn my attention back to the screen, effortlessly beating Luke at Halo "fuck you Clifford, I can beat you" he snaps, he takes off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves, pressing replay "dude, you're just gonna keep losing" Ashton chuckles "Michael? Can you come upstairs for a sec?" I hear (Y/N) call, I whine quietly, not wanting to tear my eyes away from the screen "two minutes" I plead "Michael" she groans, I sigh and pause the game "whipped" Calum whispers as I stomp up the stairs "yes baby?" (Y/N) is standing in front of the mirror, scowling as she tries to zip up her dress "I need help" she whines, she smooths down the front of her dress and I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face "you look amazing" I breathe, I cup her face in my hands and kiss her softly as she giggles "but I don't think you should wear this dress...or else everybody's gonna know our little secret" I hum, kneeling down and kissing her slightly swollen belly, she smiles, playing with the ends of my hair, her eyes filling with tears "I love you Mikey" she murmurs "I love you too sweetie, and I love you both so much" I whisper, pressing another kiss to her tummy.

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