Last Minute Preparation

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Luke: "Luke that is so cliché" you whine, he pouts "that's what makes it so perfect baby! Please please please!" He begs, you groan in defeat and grab the penguin onesie out of his hands and drop it in the basket "fine fine" you mutter, Luke grins and pats your belly "Kurt I'm sorry in advance for when you're a teenager and you see the pictures we'll take of you in this, one day you'll understand why and maybe you'll carry on the tradition with your son" he giggles, you roll your eyes and stifle a laugh as you continue down the aisle, throwing diapers and baby bottles into your basket.

Calum: "Shit this is hard" Calum hisses, sucking on the skin between his thumb and forefinger where the changing table had 'bit' him "let me see" you coo, reaching out for his hand, he shows you the cut, frowning as a bead of blood drops onto the wood of the changing table "I can't believe I forgot about the stupid changing table till now" he groans as you rub antiseptic ointment into his cut "just buy a ready made one Cal" you sigh, he rolls his eyes and turns back to the pieces of wood "hey, you get to make the babies, I want to contribute to" he grumbles, you giggle and kiss his cheek.

Ashton: "What should I pack in here babe?" Ashton asks, holding up your designated hospital bag "uhh a pair of undies and a bra-but the maternity one, y'know that weird one for breastfeeding" Ashton nods, blushing as he opens your underwear drawer, he grabs a pair of lacy white panties but you quickly stop him "Ash I'm not trying to seduce the doctor jeez, grab my granny panties from the way back" you laugh, he chuckles "but this is my favourite pair on you" he smirks, dropping it and replacing it with your droopy panties from the back "and I'll need my nightgown and grab the stripy blue onsie for Damon-oh and toiletries" you add, Ashton puts all these items in the bag and grins "I think we're good" you giggle, grabbing it and taking it to the garage where you put it in the backseat of the car.

Michael: "Okay I can do this" Michael grins, ripping tape off the massive car seat box, Wario soon joins him, gnawing at the cardboard and attacking the tape with sharp puppy teeth, the box is soon reduced to shreds and Michael comes flouncing into the garage, brandishing the car seat like a trophy, you laugh as Wario comes trotting after him, drool and cardboard hanging from his jowls "we got it out" Michael brags "I can see that. Now to get it in" you smirk, he chuckles and pushes it into the backseat of the car "this is the easy part babe" he gloats. An hour later and you are still leaning against the garage wall, Wario asleep at your feet "I don't get why it's so fucking big, a baby is tiny, it's totally ridiculous!" Michael pants, making one last attempt to fix the seat in, suddenly it clicks into place and he whoops, high fiving you "told you it was easy" he says cooly.

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