Morning Sickness

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Luke: You moan quietly, trying to ignore the increasing feeling of nausea rising in the pit of your stomach "baby are you okay?" Luke asks softly, you nod, breathing deeply, your eyes closed as you try to listen to the flight attendant in front of you, you are flying to Australia to visit Luke's family and share the news, but the plane hasn't even taken off yet and you feel terrible "are you sure?" Luke whispers, you whimper and shake your head, covering your mouth with one hand, you search through the seat pocket and find the flimsy paper bag, holding it in front of your face as your stomach flips, retching loudly, you can feel Luke's hand on your back, pulling your hair out of your face and rubbing soft circles on your skin as you hurl your breakfast into the paper bag "I wanna go home" you sniff, slowly lifting your head to look into Luke's eyes, he sighs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear "I know sweetie, I know" he lays his hand on your flat tummy, tracing small shapes "why are you making your mummy sick?" He asks softly, leaning down to kiss your tummy, making you giggle, smiling at him.

Calum: "Here love, try this" Calum murmurs, handing you a plate of bland crackers, you shake your head weakly, pushing them away "I'm tired Cal, and I obviously can't keep anything down" you whine, he bites his lip and pushes his hair away from his forehead, sitting next to you "please try baby, just one" he begs, you lean against him, tears rolling down your face "Calum I'm exhausted, and my throat is burning, nothing is staying down" you sniff, shaking your head "the doctor said to keep trying" he reminds you, picking the plate up and holding it out to you, sighing you pick up a cracker, biting into the tasteless square "it's like eating cardboard" you mutter. You are able to scoff down three crackers before your stomach flips, you scramble for the bucket by your bedside and retch into it, when you finish you keep your head over the bucket, tears streaming down your face "are you okay baby?" Calum whispers, he takes the bucket from in between your legs and gently pulls you to lie down next to him, wrapping you in his arms, he slips his hand beneath your shirt and rests it on your stomach, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he rubs your tummy "please stop making mommy ill, if she can't eat you can't eat" he murmurs, his warm fingers soothing you and his voice lulling you to sleep.

Ashton: You groan, leaning your head against the cool porcelain toilet rim, not having the energy to care about it being unsanitary "oh dear god" you mutter as you feel your stomach bubbling, you pull yourself up just in time, gagging into the toilet "baby?" The light flicks on and you look over your shoulder to see Ashton kneeling beside you, he pulls the hair out of your face, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead "why didn't you wake me?" He asks softly, stroking your cheek "you've just been working so hard lately" you mumble quietly, he shakes his head and cups your face in his hands "no love, I want you to wake me okay? I want to help you" he pulls you into his arms, stroking your hair as you nuzzle your face into his neck, his familiar scent soothing your frazzled nerves and calming you down "let's go back to bed yeah?" He murmurs, kissing the top of your head and guiding you out of the bathroom, he helps you into bed and scrambles in beside you, he kisses your flat tummy, rubbing his palms over it "be good for your mummy okay little duck?" He coos, you smile, giggling at the nick name.

Michael: "Oh dear god not again" you whimper, covering your mouth with your hand and trying to swallow the aching in your throat, you close your eyes tightly, taking ragged breaths "are you feeling okay?" Michael asks worriedly, taking your other hand in his, you shake your head, gripping tightly to Michael's hand "I think I'm gonna be sick" you croak, Michael bites his lip, scanning the traffic jam up ahead "fuck, this'll take ages to get through" he mutters, he rubs a hand over his face and sighs, swerving out of the slow-moving line of cars over to the side of the road "c'mon baby" he calls, jumping out of the car, you follow him to a grassy ridge, bending over to empty out your stomach, Michael pulls your hair out of your face, whispering soothing words in your ear and rubbing your back, when you are done, he helps you back to the car, leaning over to kiss your forehead "it'll be worth it babe" he says simply, giving you a small smile.

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