First Kick

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Luke: "It's going to be so fun to bring him into the studio and let him mess around, and he could even be on one of our tracks!" Luke smiles, walking through the recording studio, his fingers laced with yours, you chuckle and nod tiredly "he'd have a blast playing around with all the equipment. Oh and-and we could get him his first guitar and I could teach him to play" he laughs, pushing the door open and stepping out into the parking lot, you smile softly to yourself as Luke babbles on about the future, when suddenly you feel a sudden push against your tummy "Luke!" you gasp, stopping in your tracks, he spins around abruptly, his eyes wide and filled with worry "what's wrong? Is it the baby?" he frets, you grab his hand, laying it gently against your bump "h-he's kicking" Luke breathes, you nod, your eyes filling with tears, he chuckles softly, both hands cupped around your bump as he kisses your forehead "I love you so much" he whispers into your hair.

Calum: "Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we'd never met?" you ask, looking over at Calum from your spot on the fluffy carpet, he is sitting on the floor a few feet away, trying to fix together a DIY crib "sounds like my worst nightmare" he chuckles, measuring a beam of wood, you giggle as he pokes his tongue out of his mouth in concentration, beads of sweat forming on his brow "this thingy is supposed to fit with this thingy to make a thingymajig, but it's not working" he whines, pushing his hair out of his face "this sucks" he groans as you laugh, he peels off his sweaty shirt, leaving you with a great view of his toned torso as he fusses over the crib, you smile, rubbing a hand over your stomach "you two are lucky that your daddy's gorgeous" you hum, earning a laugh and a wink from Calum, as well as something else, a gentle nudge against the inside of your stomach, you squeal in alarm and Calum comes tumbling to your side "baby, kicking, feel" you whisper, guiding his hand, he gasps, his eyes filling with tears as he kisses your tummy.

Ashton: You roll over, desperately trying to get comfy despite your growing bump and aching back "you still uncomfortable baby?" Ashton mumbles, you can hear in the thickness of his voice that he is exhausted, and you know you're the one keeping him awake "I'm sorry Ash, I'm trying to sleep, but my back is killing me" you whimper, your eyes filling with tears "sweetie it's okay, don't cry" he murmurs, he sits up and pulls you up, his large hands smoothing out your tense muscles as he kisses your neck gently "feel better?" he asks, you hum and nod, melting into his touch, he chuckles, wrapping his hands around your bump and laying down "could you sing to me please?" you pout, he laughs under his breath and bites his lip, thinking for a moment "hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do, Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true" his voice is soft, his breath warm against your neck, and when you feel the gentle kick against your stomach you know he feels it too, he lets out a soft chuckle, pressing a kiss to your shoulder "how did I get so lucky?" he murmurs.

Michael: "You okay baby?" Michael asks, looking over at you from the driver's seat, you nod, smiling at him gently "I'm just really tired" you mumble, he nods in an understanding way and takes your hand in his "our girl being good?" he asks, his green eyes shining brighter as his hand rests on your bump "she never lets me sleep, the second I'm still, she's moving around" you whine, he nods "she well...y'know, kicking yet?" he murmurs, his eyebrows raised "no, but when she does you'll be the first to know" you chuckle, he nods, looking a tiny bit disappointed, you drift back into a comfortable silence, humming softly to yourself as you zoom down the highway, you watch the trees dissappear, a sudden shriek slipping past your lips, as you feel a slight kick in your tummy, followed by another one, making Michael jump in fright, accidentally pressing the car horn "jesus (Y/N)! Don't do that when I'm driving!" he exclaims "Michael she's kicking" you squeal, his anger melts instantaneously and he pulls over, allowing you to guide his hands to the right spot, tears filling his eyes at the feel of his daughter's gentle kicks.

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