Labor/Delivery Part 4

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Luke: "I need a big push! Big push (Y/N) the doctor encourages. You whimper, tossing your head from side to side "come on baby, he's nearly here, just a few more pushes" Luke whispers, you focus on his voice whispering in your ear and bear down hard. "You're doing great, we've got baby crowning" the doctor smiles, you grit your teeth, following your body's orders to push and push harder, tears streaming down your face as you feel yourself stretching around the baby. "You're doing good, you're doing good" Luke murmurs, kissing your sweaty temple. "Luke make it stop" you plead, your body shaking with the exertion of your pushing "I'm afraid you're gonna have to push harder (Y/N)" the doctor orders. "I can't! I can't" you sob, tossing your head back and forth. "Perhaps we should get her standing-or-or in a chair" Luke suggests tentatively, the doctor nods "gravity would be a huge help for getting labor to progress". The two of them help you to stand up on shaking legs and you gasp as you feel the baby move instantly lower in your body "is that better love?" Luke asks, positioning himself behind you so you can lean against him, his hands clasped in yours. You nod, the doctor is crouched at your feet "a huge push (Y/N), I need a really huge push from you" he calls. You whine softly, leaning your head back in the crook of Luke's neck and squeezing his hands as you steel yourself, pushing as hard as possible, sweat pouring down your face in rivulets. "Ten more seconds" the doctor calls over your cries, you feel yourself stretch around the baby's shoulders gradually until the pressure is relieved and you feel his body slide out of you. A few seconds later, you hear the shrill screams of your son.

Kurt Alexander Hemmings born 19th June

Calum: You brace yourself against Calum and push as hard as you can. "We're making good progress (Y/N), here comes baby number one" the doctor says encouragingly "fuck! Calum you bastard this hurts" you yelp. He soothes you gently, hooking one arm around your trembling thigh to spread your legs wider. "Here come the shoulders" the doctor calls, suddenly you feel a sharp pain and the pressure is relieved slightly, before suddenly disappearing as the baby slides out, shrill cries fill your ears and the nurse whisks the baby away quickly after announcing it's a girl. "I'm afraid you've torn a little bit (Y/N)" the doctor announces, the blood drains from Calum's face. "Torn?" he repeats, his voice hoarse "I-I didn't know it could tear" he gulps, the doctor chuckles and nods. "It's only a first degree tear, so I'll cut through and sow it up after the birth, it'll make delivery easier and quicker." You can see the horror in Calum's face and you take his hand "breathe honey" you giggle. Suddenly another contraction starts and you groan "last one baby, you're doing an amazing job, just one more then you can relax yeah?" Calum whispers, kissing the side of your face softly. You nod, whimpering as you feel the baby already moving lower in your pelvis "woah, Cal she's coming quick" you gasp. He grips your hand, kissing your knuckles as you grit your teeth, your muscles trembling, you give a few strong pushes. "Here comes baby number two" the doctor smiles, your grip on Calum's hand tightens and you toss your head back, focusing on the ceiling tiles as you scream out. You feel the movement of the baby lower and your scream heightens as it begins crowning. "Deep breath honey, and another big push" Calum cooes, you dig your nails into his forearm and give a huge push, the second baby sliding out easily into the doctors hands. "It's a girl" the nurse calls out. She is noticeably smaller than her sister, you wait for the shrill cries but nothing happens. "Is she okay?" Calum asks. You hold your breath, squeezing Calum's hand as the doctor rubs her gloved hands over your daughter's back, suddenly she opens her mouth, showing her pink gums, and a feeble mewl comes from her, before developing into a shrill scream like that of her sister. You smile, tears filling your eyes as you kiss Calum.

Xia Akenehi Hood & Opal Emiri Hood born 7th August

Ashton: "Ashton I can't do this" you sob, shaking your head, he shushes you, brushing your tears away and cupping your face in his large hands. "You can, you're my strong girl, you can do this. You can do it for our boy" he whispers, kissing your forehead. "Ash please-you do it for me" you pant. He sighs, nuzzling your hair "I would if I could baby" he says gently. "Another push (Y/N), come on you're doing great" the doctor smiles, you groan and drop your head back on the pillow. "I don't want to, please don't make me" you whimper, but as you are speaking you feel your body forcing you to push. You groan, your eyes swimming with tears "here come the legs, and the body,'s a boy!" You gasp, craning your neck to see him, the doctor smiles and Ashton kisses your forehead gently "you're doing so well baby" he murmurs softly, brushing your hair from your forehead. "Okay here comes the hard part" the doctor says, her hands moving to help guide the baby's arms safely out. You grit your teeth, gasping and crying out as your body stretches to the limit for the shoulders of the baby to pass, the head following moments later. You flop back on the bed and sigh in relief, panting for breath as your son begins to whine softly, opening his toothless mouth to emit an ear piercing cry.

Damon George Irwin born 23rd September

Michael: "I-I need to move" you groan, trying to get up. You can feel the baby's head between your legs and you let out a short scream. "Be careful baby" Michael pleads "I need to kneel" you cry out, your hands finding Michael's shoulders and your nails digging in deep. He winces and helps you to pull yourself up onto your knees so that you're kneeling in the middle of the bed, your arms wrapped around Michael's shoulders, the doctor standing behind you. "Is this better (Y/N)?" She asks, you are taking deep breaths, your face buried in Michael's neck "no-no it hurts more" you whimper, your teeth sinking into Michael's collarbone as you are overwhelmed by the urge to push. You both cry out and you can feel sweat soaking your whole body. "You're doing so good love" Michael pants, his hands clasping your waist "just shut up-this is all your fault" you sob, he chuckles, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your back. "Here come the shoulders" the doctor calls, you groan out and brace yourself for the biggest push you can muster, sweat and blood mingling on your trembling thighs. "She's almost here baby, you're doing so well" Michael cooes, you whimper, burying your face further in his neck to muffle your screams. Until suddenly you feel relief and the baby slides out, followed immediately by the sound of her shrieks "she's here" Michael whispers into your hair.

Anastasia Phoenix Clifford born 14th February

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