First Ultrasound

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Luke: "Everything feels good" the doctor smiles, her gloved hands applying pressure to different parts of your stomach, you smile, squeezing Luke's hand "now this'll be a little cool at first" she warns, squeezing gel onto your tummy, you giggle nervously, sucking your lower lip into your mouth, your eyes dart to Luke, and his reassuring smile calms you down, the doctor flicks a switch on the monitor and moves the wand over your stomach, suddenly a whooshing sound fills the room, making you jump "that's the baby's heartbeat" the doctor chuckles, you gasp, your eyes filling with tears, a fuzzy image appears on the screen and you wipe your eyes hurriedly, your breath hitching "it's tiny" you whisper, watching in awe as the doctor points out the little features "that's our baby" Luke murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple.

Calum: "Excited to see your little one for the first time?" the doctor asks, you nod, biting your lip "how've you been feeling recently Miss (Y/L/N)?" she continues,  setting up a monitoring screen and squeezing gel onto your stomach, you writhe at the sudden coolness "very tired, very hungry, lots of morning sickness, not too great to be honest" you sigh, Calum kisses your forehead, rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, you meet his eyes and smile, he kisses your knuckles, his gaze drifting to the monitor, where a blurry picture has appeared, the doctor frowns and you gulp "is-is something wrong?" you whimper, she shakes her head "no-everything is perfect for ten weeks, but have you-have you ever discussed the possibility of multiple births?" you frown, a bit confused "what like twins?" Calum asks, the doctor smiles and nods, you gape at her as she points out the three babies "I can't believe it" you murmur, Calum chuckles and nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Ashton:You bite your lip, sitting on the examining table, Ashton next to you, his arm wrapped tightly around you "relax love, it'll be fine" he soothes, pressing a kiss to the top of your head  "how do you know? Oh what if I'm not actually pregnant? Or I-I lost it?" you whimper, twisting your fingers together, he shakes his head and squeezes you tighter against his chest "don't say that" he mutters, you are about to say something when the doctor comes in and you are cut off. She gets right down to business,  her voice soft as she greets you, rubbing gel over your abdomen, you feel the wand gliding across your skin, and the sudden loud heartbeat fills the silent room, you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, gripping Ashton's hand "everything looks perfectly healthy, and if you look closely, you can see your baby here" you study the screen, squinting until you make out the small shape "it's real" you whisper, Ashton nods, sniffing and chuckling softly "I told you didn't I?" he kisses your hand and you watch the screen happily.

Michael: "So how far along did you say you are Mrs Clifford?" the doctor asks kindly, running her hands over your smooth stomach "I-I'm not too sure" you mumble "we think it should be at least two months" Michael adds, he runs a hand through his hair and slips the other hand into yours, squeezing gently. You can tell he's nervous and you giggle "so are you ready to see your baby?" the doctor asks, you nod excitedly and she squeezes gel over your tummy, moving the wand around to get a good picture, as the whooshing noise of the heartbeat fills the room "here we go...and by the looks of things you were right Mr Clifford; just about two months" she turns the screen towards you and points out your uterus, zooming in to show you the baby "we made that" Michael whispers, raising your hand to his lips, he lets out a watery chuckle "I can't believe we made that" you pull his face to yours and kiss him softly, tears in your eyes as you smile into the kiss.

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