Hormonal Arguments

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Luke: You groan softly, your eyes opening as you feel a pillow being moved from behind your back and another from underneath your butt "what are you doing?" You mumble, you feel Luke press a kiss to your forehead "shh baby, go back to sleep" he murmurs, moving away a pillow from in between your legs, you sit up and notice at least ten pillows discarded on the floor "what are you doing?" You repeat, starting to get mad "well there was no space left on the bed baby" Luke chuckles, pulling off his shirt and climbing into bed "yeah well I'm pregnant, I need the damn pillows" you snap, his smile dissapears and he knows he's in trouble "I didn't think it was that big of a deal baby, it's just you've already got so many pillows already, plus the goddamn body pillow, which takes up so much room you'd think there was another person in this bed" Luke grumbles, you raise your eyebrows and scoff "there is another person in this bed: your son, and you know what? He wants the fucking pillows, and frankly he doesn't give a flying fuck if there's room for you or not" you yell, storming over to the pillows on the floor, but any attempt to reach them is blocked by the bump "oh for fucks sake" Luke is by your side in an instant, scooping up the pillows and guiding you back to bed "here have your bastard pillows, I'll be on the couch if you need me" he mutters, you hug a pillow to your chest and sigh, your anger evaporating to be replaced by tears, and by the time Luke reaches the door you are sobbing and reaching your arms out for him like a toddler "don't go" you hiccup, he shakes his head in disbelief, chuckling as he comes back, scooping you into his lap and rocking you back and forth "shh baby its okay, I'm right here" he cooes, kissing the top of your head, one hand rubbing your bump gently.

Calum: You sigh, placing your dirty dishes on the counter and sitting down at the kitchen table to rub your swollen ankles and rest your back. You are about to heave yourself up when Calum comes in with a frown on his face "(Y/N), I get that being pregnant is hard, but could you please not let the dishes pile up like this?" He grumbles, carrying the dishes over to the sink, you scoff and using the table as a hold, pull yourself up "I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to walk two extra feet to put them in the sink" he sighs, rinsing congealed Chinese food off of a plate "do you have any idea, how much this damn thing weighs?" You snap, pointing to your bump "and these?" You point to your swollen breasts "that is two children, and their food supply, do you know how much strain that puts on my back? Huh? Do you have even the slightest clue what kind of pain I'm in?" You growl, your voice rising steadily "your two kids, have taken up residence in my womb, and they never stop eating, if you think I'm big now, just you wait a couple more months, both of these kids is going to be about the size of a watermelon, and in a few short months, I-not you-I am gonna have to push them through an opening about the size of a fucking lemon okay? Now that's not just your average one kid, no, we are talking two kids, your kids okay?" You yell, your arms crossed over your chest "I can barely even get up now, do you have any idea what it's like to not be able to do the simplest things like getting up and bending over?" You sit down again, your eyes filling with tears "baby girl I'm sorry, I didn't think about that, I'm sorry baby don't cry, look forget about it okay? I was being selfish" Calum murmurs, kissing your forehead and wiping away tears "no but it's true, I don't do anything, you're doing all the chores Cal-" "baby its fine okay? Look I don't even mind, and from now on I want you getting more rest okay, I heard about one lady who threw out her back trying to scrub the floors while pregnant" he says worriedly,  smoothing your hair behind your ear and kissing you gently.

Ashton: "Here baby, let me get it" Ashton smiles, opening the front door for you and taking your bag of groceries as well as his own, you follow him into the kitchen and start helping to put the groceries away but he chuckles and shakes his head "I'll do it baby, you just sit down and relax, you sigh and pad into the living room, Ashton trailing behind you "is there anything I can get you princess?" He asks, reaching out to help you sit down "just leave me alone Ash" you mutter, he frowns, but figuring it's to do with your hormones he backs off, but the second you reach for the remote, he jumps to get it for you "I said fuck off Ash I can do it myself for godssake just go away I'm not crippled or something jesus!" You yell, he flinches, a hurt expression appearing on his face "I'm sorry" he mumbles, disappearing into the kitchen like a kicked puppy, filling you with guilt and remorse. You spend the rest of the day plagued by guilt, and when you are getting ready to go to bed you frown, smoothing your top over your bump with a sigh, waiting impatiently for Ashton to come upstairs, but after an hour you realize he isn't coming. You creep down the stairs silently and frown at the sight of Ashton curled up on the couch, you shake his shoulder gently and he groans, opening his eyes "come to bed Ash" you murmur, pressing a kiss to his forehead "you're not mad anymore?" He mumbles, you shake your head and he smiles, following you upstairs and pulling you into his arms, kissing you gently.

Michael: It is late, the first signs of dawn are beginning to peek through the window and you are still up, pacing worriedly up and down, tears streaming down your face as you wring your hands. You jump when you hear the front door swung open, and you instantly run into Michael's embrace, he presses his plump lips to yours in a brandy-warm kiss and you instantly pull back "you're drunk!" you breathe, he smiles loosely and stumbles in "baby, I'm...not drunk" he slurs, you feel anger bubbling up inside you and you grit your teeth "I have been up all night worrying about you! Your phone was off, there was no sign of you! I thought you were in a goddamn accident Michael, I thought you'd died!" you snarl, he blinks lazily, his green eyes vacant for a second before he giggles "I can see your nipples through that shirt" you slap him hard across his face and run into your room "you can sleep on the fucking couch!" you scream, slamming the door. When afternoon rolls around you are still awake, your hands wrapped around your bump, slow tears running down your face "baby? You okay?" you shift your eyes to the doorway to see Michael coming over to you tentatively, one side of his face still red and puffy from your slap, you ignore him and he sighs, sitting down on the ground beside your bed, his face mere inches from yours "you know I love you and our little girl very much right?" he whispers, you nod slowly and he clears his throat "but you know how scary this all is, and I know I've been really supportive and strong the whole time, but deep down I still feel like I'm not ready, like I'm going to be a shitty father, and last night-I just snapped, it just really hit me how huge this is and I freaked out, I'm sorry my love, I really am, I didn't mean to get wasted, and I swear it won't happen again, I just needed to get it all out of my system" he explains quietly, leaning his head on the mattress, his green eyes peering up at you "I'm sorry for flipping out, I was just scared something had happened to you. But Michael, you'll be an amazing father" you murmur, pressing your lips to his softly.

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