Scare (His P.O.V)

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Luke: I hum softly to myself, padding down the corridor in search of (Y/N), I hear a low groan from the bathroom and open the door to find (Y/N) leaning against the counter, gripping the marble with white knuckles and whimpering "baby what's wrong?" I feel panic rising in my stomach and I hurry to her side "(Y/N) you've gotta tell me what's wrong babe" I beg "I-I keep getting these pains" she chokes, I scan her body and my heart freezes at the sight of blood on her shorts "you-you're bleeding" I stammer, she whimpers, gritting her teeth as she ducks her head "I can't be in labour Luke, it's too soon, we'll lose him" she sobs, I snap into action and pull her into my arms, rubbing her back "we're going to the hospital okay? Nothing will go wrong" I assure her, I steer her out the front door and help her into the car, speeding all the way to the hospital. I hustle her in through the doors and she is immediately taken to see the doctor, I sit down outside her room and bury my face in my hands, the emotions from the last few minutes hitting me like a wall, I bite into my palm, tears filling my eyes as I think about what could happen, we could lose our son, I had been calm for (Y/N), but now, sitting alone in the hallway, I break down, my mind thinking up the worst case scenarios and tearing me apart, I can hear (Y/N) crying behind the door, but I don't dare enter, seeing her pain will just freak me out further. After an hour of torture, the door opens, and the doctor comes out, followed by a nurse pushing an exhausted looking (Y/N) in a wheelchair "Mr Hemmings, very sorry about the scare, but we got it under control, we have stopped the contractions but you should still keep a close watch on (Y/N). She'll be sore for a couple of days, but she's fine, and so is your son. If she starts bleeding again, bring her right back, but for now, just make sure she gets a lot of rest and lots of water" the doctor explains, I nod, thanking him and kissing (Y/N)'s forehead, pushing her back to the car "I'm so glad that you're both okay" I smile.

Calum: I sigh, running my hand through my damp hair as I pad into the bedroom, smiling at the sight of (Y/N) still lying in bed, her bump poking out from beneath her tank top, but I frown as I realise how strained her breathing is, her chest rising and falling quickly, her eyes staring up at the ceiling "baby what's wrong?" I ask softly, she shakes her head and winces "nothing, just a little light headache" she mumbles, I bite my lip, helping her sit up in bed, her skin is pale and clammy, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, she struggles to her feet, swaying dangerously, and half a second later, her eyes roll into the back of her head and she crumples, her legs giving in, I catch her just in time, laying her on the bed, my heart racing "(Y/N)? (Y/N) talk to me! Wake up!" I cry, but I get no response, grabbing my phone I dial the hospital and in minutes there are paramedics swarmed around her, I crane my neck, trying to see over their heads as the check (Y/N)'s vitals, getting more and more scared as they put an oxygen mask over her face "what's going on?!" I yell, one woman takes my arm and guides me out of the room, surprisingly strong for such a small person "she has low blood pressure is all, nothing too drastic, she will be fine and so will the babies. When a woman is pregnant, her blood vessels expand so that enough blood can reach the baby, and sometimes the heart can't pump blood fast enough to keep up with the changes. It is fairly common and she will be perfectly fine, I would recommend she rests and allows her body to accomodate these changes, or it could lead to something more serious" she explains, I bite my lip, nodding, I pad back into the bedroom, my heart leaping at the sight of (Y/N) awake again, I kneel by her side and kiss her gently "you scared me so much baby" I breathe, taking her hand in mine, she smiles weakly "I'm sorry Cal" she whispers, her eyes drooping as she drifts off to sleep.

Ashton: I groan, a bright light waking me up, my eyes burning, I hear retching and reach my hand out to find (Y/N)'s side of the bed freezing cold, putting two and two together, I stumble towards the bathroom, my heart dropping at the sight of (Y/N) dry heaving, the back of her shirt soaked with sweat "oh baby I'm so sorry" I murmur, kneeling at her side to move hair out of her face, I place my hand in between her shoulder blades, stroking gently, she continues retching for several minutes, bile being the only thing coming out, the second her body relaxes, she collapses into my arms, straining for breath "I don't know how your morning sickness is still going on, it's supposed to have stopped months ago" I mutter mainly to myself as I grab the glass by the sink and fill it up "drink all of it baby, you must be so dehydrated" I coo, pressing my palm to her burning forehead "we have to get you to hospital, this is seriously getting out of hand" I say worriedly, watching as she gulps down the water and counting down the seconds till she pukes it up, I only make it past the twelfth second before her head is in the toilet again "what's wrong with me Ash? It's just water" she sobs, I bite my lip, helping her to her feet and wrapping my arm around her waist to steady her weak body "you've lost so much weight" I murmur, laying my hand on her bump and praying that our son is healthy despite his mother's condition. The drive to the hospital is a blur of skipped lights and a racing heartbeat, and as (Y/N) is helped into a bed, an IV slipped into the back of her hand, I try and recall what the doctor said, snippets coming back in flashes "suffering Hyper Gravidarium...extreme condition...dehydration... starvation...cause of death in both infant and mother" I close my eyes and sigh, I want to yell at the nurses to fix it and fix it now, to save my world from shattering. They seem to be moving in slow motion, attaching various drips and food tubes to (Y/N), who is unconscious, her body looking smaller and more fragile, dominated by her bump, I take her hand in mine, fighting back tears as I kiss her knuckles "she's gonna be fine Mr. Irwin, we'll take care of her" one of the nurses smiles, patting my shoulder gently.

Michael: "Are you okay sweetie?" I ask, smoothing (Y/N)'s hair behind her ear, she nods and continues pushing her food around on her plate "why aren't you eating?" I start feeling worried but she just shrugs, avoiding eye contact and nibbling on her lip "baby tell me what's wrong" I plead, she sighs and fold her hands in her lap "I haven't felt her move all day" she says quietly, her eyes filling with tears "oh...I'm sure she's just a bit tired maybe" I suggest, but I am stunned, I'm used to hearing (Y/N) whine about our little girl kicking too much, but never about a lack of movement. (Y/N) shakes her head, brushing off my suggestion "something is wrong Michael" she sniffles, I sigh, taking her hand in mine, my thumb rubbing over her knuckles distractedly "maybe she's hungry?" I offer, nudging (Y/N)'s plate towards her, she sniffles and takes a bite of food, chewing slowly "is she sick? Was it something I did?" She asks sadly "no, no-no of course not princess" I press my lips to her knuckles, my heart sinking at the sight of her upset "nothing is wrong with her okay? She's fine, she's just having a lazy day" I assure her, she nods softly but I know she is still upset "I think I'm just going to go to bed" she mumbles, picking up her plate "here, I'll do it" I murmur, taking her plate from her, she dissappears up the stairs and I sigh, clearing the table. By the time I get upstairs, (Y/N) is lying in bed, her back facing me, sniffling quietly, I strip down to my boxers and lie down beside her, pulling her into my arms "it's gonna be okay baby, everything is gonna be okay" I whisper into her hair, she drifts into a fitful sleep, twitching and wriggling every few seconds. In less than an hour she jerks awake, whining softly "baby what's wrong?" I breathe, scared to death that it will be bad news "no, Mikey feel" she mumbles, grabbing my hand and resting it on her bump, a smile growing on her face as I gasp "she's kicking" I coo "like crazy" (Y/N) adds, I can't help the smile that spreads across my face, my heart soaring and tears of sheer relief filling my eyes "princess, you scared mummy and daddy so much" I whisper, leaning over to press a kiss to (Y/N)'s bump, she giggles, pulling me up to kiss her "I told you everything would be okay" I mumble against her lips.

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