Labor/Delivery Part 1

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Luke: You shift slightly in your sleep, uncomfortable even in your subconscious, your eyelids twitch and you feel yourself slowly drifting in and out of sleep as a pain builds in your lower abdomen. Just as you're stirring the pain fades and you nod off again, mumbling softly to yourself. It's several minutes before the pain comes back, this time you wake up, groaning softly and rolling onto your back. "Luke" you hiss, he is sleeping blissfully next to you, his blond hair floppy over his forehead. The pain wraps around your lower back briefly and you press your palm against your bump. "Luke" You groan, gripping his arm, he stirs, muttering gibberish before nuzzling his pillow. You slap his chest and he jerks awake, his eyes wide "wha-what? What's going on?" He slurs, he rubs his bleary eyes "shit what's wrong?" He mutters, moving closer to you. "I'm getting pains" you explain, Luke takes your hand, his face paling "what kind of pains?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed. You frown and bite your lip "they keep coming and going" you mutter, "like contractions" Luke's eyes widen. He cups his palm against the base of your bump and nods "He's really moving around" he says softly. He pushes a strand of hair from your forehead and fixes you with a concerned gaze "are you ready for this babe?" He asks, you sigh "I'm exhausted and my due date isn't till tomorrow" you grumble, Luke chuckles softly and presses a kiss to your forehead "actually babe..." he gestures to your alarm clock which shows 12:01. "Trust your son to be right on time" you sigh. He laughs, stroking your swollen tummy "try and get a bit of rest baby, we'll get going once your water breaks, you need as much energy as possible" he advises, you nod, nestling down into the duvet. But just as you're drifting to sleep, you feel another contraction hit, you inhale sharply, your abdomen tightening painfully. Luke sits up, moving closer to you "how bad is the pain?" He asks softly, helping you to sit up, you groan and grip his forearm "bad" you grumble, he tuts, rubbing your back as you grit your teeth. As it ends you lie back and slip your hand into Luke's. "This is happening" you say breathlessly, he smiles, nodding excitedly and giving your hand a squeeze. "C'mere" he murmurs, opening his arms and holding you close to his chest. You lie in silence for a few minutes, breathing deeply as you anticipate your next contraction. "I'm scared" you say meekly, keeping your face buried in Luke's shirt. You don't hear his reassuring words as a contraction stirs in your abdomen, forcing your body to tighten and your teeth to clench. Your palms are slick with sweat, but Luke's hand does not leave yours as he helps you out of bed, "walking helps babe, it helps with the pain" he soothes. The weight shift dulls the throbbing in your lower back and you sigh with relief. But it also triggers another change, and you gasp as you feel a swell of pressure building in between your legs. "Lu-ke" you gasp, grabbing ahold of his arm, and clutching tightly. A subtle pop and you feel slippery fluid coating your thighs. "What happened?" Luke asks, his eyebrows furrowed, you lean against him, a low groan rising in your chest as another contraction builds like a wave. "My water" your voice comes out squeaky and you hear Luke gulp audibly, making it clear that both of you are obviously terrified.

Calum: "Anything?" Calum asks hopefully as you sip herbal tea, you shake your head and sigh, putting your cup down. "We've tried everything" he whines, flopping next to you on the sofa, he nuzzles your bump, his warm hands wrapping around it. "You guys I know mummy has made a very nice home for you in there but it's time to come out now, mummy is tired of carrying you around and I wanna meet you!" he pleads. You sigh, fanning yourself with your hands "it's three days past my due date, can't we just go into the hospital and get them to induce the labor" you groan, running your fingers through Calum's hair. "If it doesn't start by tomorrow morning then we'll go in okay?" He kisses you gently and stands up, pacing up and down "we could try the last option" you say tentatively. Calum tenses, biting down on his lip "I don't want to hurt you, your body's all changed...I don't want to make a mistake or something" he mumbles, blushing slightly. "It's just sex Cal. Come on, I'm desperate to get them out. Please? Do it for me?" You beg. He sighs, running a hand through his hair "I wouldn't even know how to..." he trails off and you giggle.  Pulling him closer, you connect your lips, kissing him slowly. His hands hover above your hips, shaking and unsure. "Cal relax, you're acting like a virgin" you giggle, he blushes, one hand moving to your leg and stroking gently. His lips move down your neck and you can tell he's getting into it "right there Cal" you groan, your fingers finding his hair. He smirks against your skin, sucking a hickey onto your collarbone. You feel a tingling in your abdomen and you allow your head to fall back, your face scrunching up as the tingling sensation intensifies, forcing another groan from you. "Is that nice baby?" Calum chuckles, his hands moving to wrap your legs around his torso. You gasp as the tingling turns into an intense burning. "Cal" you whine, pressure mounting rapidly in your pelvis. You knot your fingers in his hair and squeal as the pressure is released with a pop, fluid gushing all over him and the sofa. You both freeze "d-did you just squirt, or was that your water?" Calum pants, his chest heaving against yours. "Option two" you whimper, clutching his shoulders as pain moves through your thighs and lower back. "Calum it hurts" you say hoarsely, tears stinging your eyes. He sits up quickly, wrapping his arms around you "it's okay baby, the pain will go soon, take a deep breath baby" he cooes, rubbing your back as the pain fades away. "We have to get you to the hospital" he says softly, helping you up and guiding you to the car.

Ashton: "He's so wiggly today" Ashton chuckles softly, his large hands cupping your swollen tummy. You nod, smiling as you lean your head back on his shoulder "I can't believe your due date is only two weeks away, we're gonna get to meet you in two weeks little man" Ashton whispers, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin. You can feel yourself drifting to sleep, smiling to yourself as Ashton continues talking to your tummy. Suddenly you feel a weird pang, your hand flying to the bottom of your bump. "What's wrong?" Ashton asks, his hazel eyes filling with worry. "There was a...a weird feeling" you mutter, his hand moves to where yours is, his chin resting on your shoulder as you wait. The feeling returns, worse this time and you jolt, gasping suddenly "what happened? Is he kicking you? Baby what's happening? You're scaring me" Ashton rambles. You frown, shifting uncomfortably as you wait for the feeling to pass, squirming against Ashton. "It hurts" you whine, pushing your head back against Ashton's shoulder and gritting your teeth. "Ash I think he's coming now" you groan, Ashton's eyes widen "wh-what?" he stammers "it's too early. Babe it's too early, how do we make him stop?" He asks. "Maybe if you ask nicely" you say through gritted teeth. Ashton ignores your sarcasm "are you sure these are real contractions (Y/N)?" he asks seriously, you nod and he squeezes your hand tightly. "I'm gonna call the midwife and run the bath okay? Don't move an inch princess" he says, suddenly on his feet, fishing his phone out of his back pocket. "A-Ash it hurts" you whimper, another contraction wrapping around your lower body. He drops to his knees, pulling you into a large hug. "I know baby, I know it hurts. Just breathe through it okay" he soothes, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead. You shake your head, your eyes filling with tears and your fingers knotting into the fabric of his shirt "make it st-top Ash, I'm scared" you cry. He kisses your forehead, holding you close until your contraction ends. "You wanna get in the water baby?" he asks, you nod, clinging to him as he helps you to the bathroom, your cries echoing off the tiles. You are aware of gushing water and your clothes peeling away, pressure building between your legs "stop! Ash m-my-" you gasp as, with a muffled 'pop' your water bursts all over the bathroom mat.

Michael: You watch, beaming as Michael and the rest of the band tumble onto the stage. Accepting their award with hugs and whoops that echo throughout the giant hall. "Thank you so much! This means so much to us holy shit! We can't even believe this, we're just four idiots from the middle of nowhere! We wanna thank our incredible fans and our-". You tune out your boyfriend's speech as you feel a strange pressure in your abdomen. You cringe thinking that perhaps you might need to fart "oh god" you mutter under your breath, you shrink down in your seat, screwing your eyes shut as the pressure increases. "-And of course last but no not least, my incredible wife, who keeps me going everyday!" The camera swings towards you and you attempt a smile which turns into a grimace. The pressure builds until you feel like you're going to explode, but as the band comes of the stage, grinning happily, you feel the pressure release suddenly. You sigh in relief and stand up to hug Michael "(Y/N) you're leaking" Calum blurts, you look down, trying to peer past your bump. This fails and your eyes dart to the big screen "my water..." you mumble, Michael grabs your arm, pulling you away slightly "when you say your water do you mean...your water?!" He whispers tersely, you nod, steadying yourself as a pain starts to build in the depths of your tummy. "Okay-okay we gotta go" he exclaims, gripping your hand tightly and guiding you through the tables and chairs. "Whoa Mikey this hurts. This is bad" you whimper, trying to keep up "I know baby, I know" he pants, you get to the car and he helps you in hurriedly, just as your first contraction ends.

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