Getting Worried/Stressed

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Luke: "How long have you been up?" You yawn, glancing over at Luke sat in the corner of the room with his laptop as you yawn and stretch "couple hours" he shrugs, padding over to you and kissing your forehead "I couldn't sleep I guess" he hums, you frown and reach your arms out to him like a little kid "cuddle?" You pout, he smiles fleetingly and crawls into bed next to you, his brow still furrowed, you giggle and rub your fingertips over the creases of his forehead, forcing his frown to dissappear "Luke what's wrong?" You ask, he sighs, his hands moving to rest on your bump "I don't want to miss his firsts" he says quietly, his fingers drawing shapes and patterns over your stomach "I'm always so busy...what if I miss his first smile or his first steps or his first words or something?" He murmurs, you bite your lip and run your fingers delicately through Luke's messy bedhead "aw honey is that why you couldn't sleep?" You coo, Luke nods, you smile and kiss him softly "Luke it won't matter. If you're on tour or you're in a meeting or whatever, it's your job, and it's what you love okay? And hey if he does something for the first time and you're not here, he can always do it when you get back home and I can pretend it's the first time" you grin, Luke chuckles softly and shakes his head "no just make sure you get a bunch of videos if he does anything while I'm away. I don't want to miss out on a moment of his growing up" you smile at Luke and lay your hands on top of his, nestling closer to him.

Calum: "I thought you said you were quitting this" you mutter, padding onto the porch where Calum is sitting with his guitar, a cigarette dangling from his lips, he sighs, smoke pluming from between his plump lips "I'm trying babe, I'm just stressed out, this is the first time I've smoked in a month okay?" He says huskily, he leans his head back against his chair and allows two columns of blue smoke to drift gently towards the ceiling from his nostrils "I know but you've gone through two packs today" you snap, he sighs again before clearing his throat, the last wisps of smoke leaving his mouth in tendrils and curls "I'm worried about our kids (Y/N)" he admits, stubbing out his cigarette and folding his arms over his chest "I'm worried about them growing up with fame...I don't want them to be some screwed up, spoiled brat celebrity kids you know?" He murmurs, you nod, chuckling softly "don't you worry about our kids being spoiled, you were a level-headed kid, and you've come right from the bottom, I'm sure you've got more than enough 'back in my day' speeches. We'll keep them out of the public eye and raise them well. They'll be good kids" you shrug, Calum smiles at you and nods "yeah they will be good kids" he repeats, patting your stomach gently

Ashton: "Dinner was wonderful baby but you didn't need to worry yourself,you know I don't want you working too hard, especially when it's for me" Ashton murmurs, stroking your cheek tenderly, he presses a kiss to your temple as you shrug "I just wanted to make you happy" you mumble, a smile tugs at his lips and he chuckles softly "it's cheesy but your presence alone is more than enough happiness to last me a million lifetimes" you feel your cheeks grow warm and you duck your head "it wasn't particularly hard work, and I'm fine Ash, I was just being a good girlfriend, I don't want to just be lazing around here like some slob so that you can go and find some skinny little supermodel instead while I grow fatter everyday" you mutter, Ashton is taken aback by your outburst, staring at you with wide eyes "uh...what?" He asks, you shrug and start piling dishes in the dishwasher "I'm not going to cheat on you (Y/N)" he says softly, taking your hands and kissing you gently "I love you and our little boy far too much to ever do that. You know that." He whispers, you nod quietly, your forehead pressed to his "I know...I know Ash I'm so sorry, it's these hormones, they've got me feeling so paranoid" you admit, he nods, stroking your belly "it's okay sweetie I understand" he murmurs.

Michael: "I can't wait to meet her" Michael chuckles, smiling up at the ceiling, one hand on your bump "I wonder what she'll be like" he adds, you smile weakly and close your eyes "you okay baby?" He asks, you nod and offer him another weak smile "okay what's wrong?" He sighs, propping himself up on his side "what if I can't do it Michael? The birth thing?" You blurt, he frowns and sighs "it comes natural (Y/N), of course you can do it. All you have to do is push...really hard and don't forget to  breathe. It'll be just like in the movies" He explains, you roll your eyes and scoff "the movies always make everything seem easier and a lot less messy" Michael laughs softly and nuzzles closer to you "it was never going to be easy baby, but you're a strong girl, I know you'll be fine" he murmurs, kissing your temple gently.

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