While He's Away (Pt 2)

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Luke: You sigh, kicking the covers off your body in frustration, tears fill your eyes as you try to force yourself to go to sleep, groaning angrily as your son starts kicking, before you know it you've grabbed your phone and have it pressed to your ear "baby girl what's wrong? Shouldn't you be sleeping? Is it Kurt? Is something wrong? Princess what's going on? Are you okay?" "I can't sleep Luke, I just can't, and now Kurt's started kicking and-and-" you are cut off by Luke shushing you softly "take a little walk around the room, just two minutes, that should put him to sleep, then we'll see about you" he cooes, you sigh and struggle out of bed, padding up and down till the movement in your tummy has ceased, you sigh softly "he stopped?" Luke asks gently "yeah" you chuckle, settling into bed "but I need you Luke, I just can't sleep without you" tears start forming in your eyes again but Luke tuts "what you need is something that reminds you of me-you know that old Green Day sweatshirt I have? I put it under your pillow, just put that on and sleep on my side of the bed instead of yours" he suggests, you find the sweater and smile, slipping it on, it is warm and soft and smells like Luke's cologne, you roll onto his side of the bed and bury your face in his pillow, inhaling the scent of his shampoo, the heady scent making your eyes droop "goodnight babe, give our boy a rub for me" he chuckles.

Calum: You grunt, trying to reach over your bump to pick up a box full of books, you and Calum are moving into your new house soon, and you are helping Mali pack stuff into cardboard boxes. "Here I'll get it" she chuckles, lifting the box up and carrying it into the entryway where there is a pyramid of boxes full of small things "you won't let me do anything" you whine, she laughs and pulls out her phone "Cal won't let me let you do anything" she explains, opening up their text messages, revealing more than thirty messages sent in all capitals, explaining in detail why you cannot lift anything heavy, you roll your eyes, but you can't help the small smile that's creeps onto your face "it's cute how worried he is about you and the babies" Mali giggles, you nod, grinning to yourself as you rub your bump.

Ashton: You sigh, your head on your sister's shoulder as you wait for the doctor "I wish Ash could be here" you say quietly, stroking your palms over your belly "I know babe, but he'll be back soon alright? Anyway you can show him the scan tonight" Lana cooes, you nod, your gaze snapping up as the doctor enters "how are you today Miss (Y/L/N)?" She asks, you smile and lay on the table, rolling up your shirt "I'm great, the baby is very wiggly today" she chuckles and squeezes the cool gel on your bump "will Mr Irwin be joining us today?" You shake your head and she smile sympathetically, but you are cheered up instantly by the rhythmic thrumming of your baby's heartbeat filling the room "could I get a picture though? To show Ash?" You grin, your heart swelling at the thought of his reaction.

Michael: "Don't throw your food Bradley" you sigh, running a hand over your face tiredly as you watch your neighbour's two kids begin a food fight, tossing pasta at each other, but you are too exhausted to care, and your back is in excruciating pain. Your phone begins to ring and you answer it, motioning for the kids to keep it down even though you know they won't listen to you "baby? What's going on?" The sound of Michael's voice makes you break down, sobbing into the phone "I can't do this Michael-they're like the spawn of satan-I can't be a mum-I'm going to be terrible-I can't do it-make this stop-I don't want to do this-" "hey hey hey, princess calm down, take a deep breath honey and tell me what's going on" he says gently "I'm babysitting the neighbour's kids" you sniffle, scowling at the kids who are still throwing food "where's my mother?" He asks, sounding confused "out" you mumble, you can almost hear him grinding his teeth over the line "I can't believe she left you alone with those-those behemoths. You could easily get hurt" he fumes, you can hear him pacing up and down, mumbling quietly to himself "I can't believe you wanted to watch them...okay, you just sit tight, I'll call their parents and get them picked up, okay?" He says gently, you hum, rubbing your belly.

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