Telling The Family

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Luke: "Pass the ball (Y/N)!" you look up at the sound of your name and see Ben pointing to the football lying nearby on the grass, you pick it up and kick it towards him "nice! You should come play with us!" he cheers, Jack nods but Luke quickly intervenes "no, no she can't play with us" he jogs over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist protectively and shaking his head "anyways I'm tired, we should take a break" he suggests, his older brothers agree and you all settle down on your blanket, you share out sandwiches and Jack tosses you a beer "oh she can't drink" Ben and Jack give their younger brother an odd glance "are you her mother now?" Ben snickers "no but she's a mother now" Luke blurts "what?" "what?" "what did you say?" "what did you hear?" "(Y/N) are you pregnant?" you grin at Ben and Jack "yeah" you giggle, they both start cheering and whooping, d
slapping Luke on the back "aw baby brother's having a baby" Ben coos.

Calum: You are quiet, picking at your food nervously as you glance around the dinner table at Calum's family, you feel a hand slip into yours and you glance over at Calum "relax babe" he whispers, giving you a reassuring smile, you nod feebly, focusing instead on the feel of your hand in his "I can tell them if you'd like?" He chuckles, knowing you are still scared "thank you" you smile, kissing him quickly "what are you two whispering on about?" Joy asks, smiling down the table, you blush and Calum laughs, clearing his throat "actually uh...we have some news to share" he gets to his feet, grinning at his sister, who already knows the news "(Y/N) and I... are having a baby" his words takes a second to sink in, and suddenly you find yourself swept into a giant hug "oh this is so wonderful! Congratulations! Oh we're going to be grandparents!" Joy laughs, letting go of you to shake her husband's shoulders excitedly, before squeezing her son into a hug "you and Cal are going to make great parents" Mali grins, watching as her mother continues to squash Calum.

Ashton: "Hello beautiful" Ashton whispers, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck, you giggle and smile over your shoulder at him "how are you feeling today love? I'm sorry I wasn't here today, there's just so much to do at the studio right now, but I hope our little one has been good to you today" he murmurs, nuzzling your shoulder, you nod "but we're going to need to tell my family soon, my mother is really starting to get suspicious about my morning sickness, and we're still staying for another week" you explain. You and Ashton are staying at your parent's place for a while, and you are trying to figure out the right time to drop the news of your pregnancy. "You know our baby is like this big right now?" Ashton laughs, holding his thumb and index finger close together to indicate how small your baby is "your what?" your head snaps up and you see your mother in the doorway "are you serious? You're...?" you nod slowly and she squeals "(Y/N)! I knew it I knew it!" she hugs you and Ashton tightly, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

Michael: "They're your brother in laws Michael, you're gonna have to learn how to talk to them" you laugh "they scare me (Y/N), can't you please say it, I'm scared of your brothers. What if they beat me up?" Michael whines, pouting at you as you climb the front steps "whether I say it or not doesn't change anything! They love you Mikey, seriously! I know they're a little intense sometimes but they mean well" you push your front door and you are instantly greeted by your three rowdy brothers, shouting and tumbling on top of you, hugging you and giving you noogies and punching Michael playfully "hey be careful with her!" Michael snaps, shocking everyone into silence "are you hurt?" "did you hurt her Clifford cause I swear if you did I'll snap your neck" "is he hurting you?" your older brothers are drowning you with questions "I'm pregnant!" you yell, there is quiet and then your eldest brother claps Michael on the back and grins "congrats man" he cheers, Michael smiles weakly and you giggle

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