Telling The Boys

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Luke: The boys are over at you and Luke's flat after a long day at the studio and you are sitting on the kitchen counter, watching the pasta boiling on the stove, you can hear the boys talking in the next room, teasing Calum because he'd ripped the crotch of his jeans while on stage-again. You giggle and shake your head "I'll be right back" you hear Luke say, and a second later he appears in the doorway, smiling widely at you "hey there" he grins, standing in between your legs and pecking you softly on the lips "hey" you whisper, he rests his forehead against yours, his crystal blue eyes staring deep into yours "I love you" he murmurs, you giggle and kiss him "is that what you came here to tell me?" you ask, he chuckles and nods "well that, and I came to ask if I can tell the guys about y'know...about our little one" his fingers brush over your stomach and you smile "of course, in fact, we can tell them right now" you grin, you grab his hand, leading him to the living room "(Y/N)!" the boys cheer, beaming at you dorkily "we have something to tell you guys" Luke lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses your knuckles "we're having a baby" he grins, the boys gape at you for a second, everyone stunned "like a real human baby?" Michael asks, his eyes wide, you nod and giggle "okay so we finally have proof that Luke actually does get laid as often as he claims" Ashton chuckles, standing up to hug you "congrats you two, you're gonna be the best parents" the other two join the hug, pulling Luke in as well "we're so happy for you guys" Calum laughs, kissing your cheek.

Calum: You are lying on the couch in the studio, with your feet in Ashton's lap, playing video games with Luke and Michael, you can see Calum in the recording booth, working on his solo bits "I'm hungry" you announce, Ashton grunts, barely looking away from his phone, and the other two don't pay you any attention, you pause the game and kick Ashton's thigh, close enough to his crotch to make him instinctively shield himself with a yelp "that was like a millimetre away from my balls (Y/N)" he grumbles as you laugh "I'm hungry" you announce again "we literally just ate (Y/N)" Michael exclaims, gesturing to the empty pizza boxes on the floor, you groan, your stomach rumbling "I know, but I'm still hungry" you whine, Ashton tosses you a packet of crisps and you grin, digging into the tasty treat, but when you finish it you realize that you are still hungry "I want more food" you groan, scanning the room for any food available "how can you still be hungry (Y/N), even Michael's full" Luke chuckles, you grin "well can I tell you guys a secret?" they instantly perk up, all eyes on you "I'm eating for two" you giggle, Ashton's jaw falls open and he grabs you in a huge hug, the other two take a second to catch on but once they do they start yelling, laughing as they run to drag Calum out of the recording booth "you knocked her up!" Michael yells, hugging his best friend tightly.

Ashton: "First round's on me" Calum yells, tipping his head back and downing his shot, the boys follow suit and in a few seconds your glass is the only one still full of tequila "I'm not drinking" you laugh as Michael holds it out to you, he shrugs and gulps it down "oh come on (Y/N)! You're so fun when you're drunk! Please? I'll get another round, on me" Luke whines, you shake your head and smile as Ashton slips his hand over yours "boo you suck!" Calum crows, you giggle "just one shot?" Michael tries to convince you, pouting at you "no I can't you guys, seriously" you chuckle, subconsciously folding your hands over your tummy, Luke notices your actions and frowns, his eyebrows furrowing "why not?" he asks, his words beginning to slur as the alcohol sets in "well..."you smile at Ashton and bite your lip "I'm...I'm pregnant" you say softly, the boys erupt in cheers and soon you are watching as they envelop Ashton in a bone crushing hug "we'd hug you, but we don't wanna hurt the baby" Calum explains over his shoulder, you laugh, smiling at how excited they are.

Michael:You yawn, trying to find a comfy position in the cramped car, your ankles are starting to swell and you are exhausted, but you had agreed to go with the boys to the beach today, so you are wedged into the backseat in between Michael and Luke and a bunch of bags. "Tired babe?" Michael asks softly, taking your hand in his, you nod, cuddling up to him and nuzzling his neck "I wanna go home" you whimper, Michael frowns and pushes a lock of hair out of your face "we're almost there my love, just take a nap and I'm sure we'll be there when you wake up" he coos, kissing your forehead, without thinking about his surroundings, he leans down to kiss your stomach , Calum gives you a weird glance over the seat and Luke also notices "you guys okay?" he asks, Michael smiles and kisses your cheek "can I tell them?" he asks, you nod and he grins "we're-well she-(Y/N) is pregnant-we're having a baby" he announces, Ashton slams on the brakes and turns around excitedly "wow! So like...there's a baby inside you right now?" Calum asks, Ashton rolls his eyes "no Cal, the baby pops in and out whenever it feels like" he says sarcastically, you laugh and Michael wraps his arm around your waist "congratulations you guys" Luke grins, kissing your forehead softly as you close your eyes.

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