Making Changes

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Luke: You glance at Luke, giggling at his sour expression as he scans the cars on display "why can't we just have two cars?" He whines, you sigh and roll your eyes "you know there isn't enough space in the garage Luke" you grumble, he folds his arms over his chest, pouting "but just look at her,I can't sell her, that would be like telling me to sell Kurt! She's going to be devastated" He exclaims, you scoff and raise your eyebrows "I'm sure the car will be fine" you chuckle, Luke moans softly, his hand clutched to his chest "Luke I'm sorry, but an Aston Martin is just not practical for a baby." You sigh "but-but-but...but (Y/N)" he whines "don't make me call your mother" you warn, he groans, returning to your side sulkily "fine, but we're getting a Range Rover then" he states, you shrug and kiss his cheek "its not like you're shipping your car off to the other end of the world, you're just selling it to Calu-" "don't remind me" he hisses, rubbing his temples.

Calum: "It's so beautiful" you hum, leaning against Calum as you stare out at the huge backyard, he nods, pressing a kiss to the top of your head "this is the best house we've seen all week" he chuckles "yeah but it's also very far from the city, you're gonna have to drive quite a bit to get to the studio everyday, we could get the one we saw yesterday over by th-" "baby, I don't mind, this is for our kids, I know you love this house, and so do I, and I want them to love it too" he says softly, kissing you before leaning down to kiss your swollen tummy

Ashton: "Ash?" You call out, waddling down the stairs, he pops his head out from the kitchen and smiles "hey baby" he grins, kissing you briefly "I wanted to talk to you about a nursery for the baby, I was thinking maybe we could turn the guest room into a nursery?" You suggest, he nods thoughtfully "yeah, yeah we could do that, although what about when people come and stay over?" He asks, you shrug, chewing on your bottom lip "Lauren is staying here for a month in the summer remember?" He says softly, you nod and frown "what about my gym room? We could transfer my stuff into the basement" he suggests "I thought of that, but I didn't think you'd wanna give that up" you chuckle, he smiles and kisses your rounded belly "it's for our little duck" he murmurs.

Michael: "What's all this?" You laugh, scanning the large paper bags in Michael's arms, he grins and places the bags on the counter top "well I was at the studio today, and Feldman was talking about all the changes you have to make when you've got a kid on the way, and he mentioned baby proofing, and I realized that our apartment really isn't safe for a baby, so I went to the hardware store and picked up some stuff" he explains, smiling proudly as he empties out the bags "wow, and are you gonna install it all yourself?" You giggle, examining his purchases, he snorts and kisses your forehead "of course not sweetie, Ashton's coming over later" he chuckles.

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