You're Insecure

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Luke: "Hey baby" Luke cooes, smiling at you as you pad down the stairs "you okay?" He asks, his blue eyes clouding as he sees your frown "I'm fine" you mutter, folding your arms over your chest, Luke sighs, knowing it's better not to push you, he kisses your swollen tummy and leans in to kiss you, but you turn your face so his lips meet your cheek instead, he frowns in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed "have I done something?" He asks softly, his pink lips parted slightly and his eyes trained on you "yes" you mutter, turning away to make a mug of tea, he is by your side in a flash, his face a mask of worry "what did I do love? What ever it is I'm sorry" he murmurs, touching your arm lightly "you did this! You made me fat" You blurt, gesturing to your swollen stomach "well...I didn't make you fat, I made you pregnant honey, and I'm not sorry for that" Luke smiles, gently turning you to face him "you're having my baby (Y/N). You're growing my little boy in there" he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead "it's the miracle of life princess" he hums, cupping your cheek in one hand, the other resting on your stomach "and now I have my perfect little family" he chuckles, his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.

Calum: "Hey baby girl, I picked up some doughnuts for you" Calum smiles, kissing you quickly before setting the groceries down on the counter "oh you can have them...I'm fine" you mumble, resting your palms on your tummy, Calum frowns, his thick eyebrows knitting together "but...but you asked me to get them for you earlier...remember? You were craving them" He says hesitantly, knowing your emotions are hanging in a very delicate balance, he doesn't want to upset you "yeah...I just don't want them anymore" you huff, your eyes filling with tears, Calum swipes your tears away with his thumb, pulling you as close as he can "hey hey hey, princess don't cry, please don't cry I'm sorry" he fusses, smoothing the hair from your face "I-I don't want to grow any bigger Cal. I'm fat enough already" you whimper, he frowns, resting his hands on your prominent bump "what on earth are you talking about princess? You have two babies in there. Two healthy, beautiful babies. You aren't fat love, you're having twins" he says firmly, kissing your forehead.

Ashton: You lie in bed, sobbing into your pillow, the soft cotton muffling your voice, as well as everyone else's. So you don't hear Ashton until he's by your side, shaking your shoulder lightly "baby what's wrong?" You know he's worried, but you shake your head into the pillow, hoping he'll get the message, he sighs, his long fingers stroking your hair gently "please tell me kitten, I can't bear seeing you upset" he murmurs, gently pulling you towards his chest, you bury your face in his shirt, snuffling quietly "the stretchmarks" you whimper, he frowns, pulling away slightly and laying you down on the bed "I love your stretch marks" he says softly, rolling up your top, he presses a kiss to each one, his dimples showing as he smiles "they show that our little boy is growing big and strong like he should. They show you are taking care of him so well" he cooes, moving up to kiss you gently, you smile, threading your fingers through his hair "thank Ash" you giggle, pulling him down to kiss you again.

Michael: "(Y/N) seriously, stop feeding all your food to the dog" Michael scolds, you sigh, rolling your eyes and ignoring him "you haven't even taken one bite, you've fed about three quarters of it to Wario" Michael sighs, the little puppy perks up at his name, trotting over to see if Michael will give him any pasta "are you okay baby?" He asks, his voice soft, he reaches across the table to slip his hand into yours and you sigh, ducking your head "m'fine" you mumble, Michael frowns, his green eyes searching out yours "tell me what's wrong" he pleads, squeezing your hand "I've gained a lot of weight recently" you blurt, tears pooling in your eyes " know you're pregnant...right?" He says slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you glare at him and he smiles "cut yourself a bit of slack honey, you're carrying a person inside you for crying out loud" Michael chuckles, kissing you delicately "yeah but-" "but nothing honey, I'm not going to have you putting yourself down for something you can't help. You're pregnant okay? Obviously you're going to gain weight there's a human being growing bigger every day inside you" Michael grins, you nod and smile at him, giggling happily.

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