How You Sleep

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Luke: You are growing bigger all the time, and cuddling with Luke at night is becoming harder and harder as your bump swells. Luke hates not being close to you, so when you're going to sleep, he pulls you onto his chest, letting you wiggle your bump up onto his stomach and hook your legs around his, allowing him to be close to you and his son at the same time, he can feel every movement of the baby and he loves it, unable to keep his hands from running over your bump and tracing tiny shapes as he hums in your ear.

Calum: Because your bump is so big, there is a lot of distance between you and Calum as you sleep, which neither of you is accustomed to, Calum is very touchy feely, and being so distant from you is frustrating for him, so usually he will interlock your hands before he falls asleep, or rest his palm against the swell of your bump, enjoying the warmth of your skin.

Ashton: You often experience cold spells because of your pregnancy, and so Ashton wraps you tightly in his arms, both of you lying face to face, your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, and if you ever start shivering, Ashton will just cuddle you closer, sharing his body heat with you, your legs tangled together, both of you clinging to the other like a koala.

Michael: You and Michael sleep the same way you always have. Spooning. He doesn't mind that your hair tickles his nose and makes him want to sneeze, he loves how soft it feels against his cheek. He doesn't mind that his arm cramps up beneath you, he ignores it, concentrating instead on the feeling of his little girl moving around against his palm. He doesn't mind that he gets an awkward boner if you wriggle around too much, he does his best to ignore it, secretly loving the sound of your giggle when you figure out his problem.

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