He Gets Protective

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Luke: You roll your eyes as you hear your phone go off again "Luke" you whine, dragging out the letters of his name as you answer his call "sorry sorry! I'm sorry baby" he chuckles, you giggle and open the fridge "I'm just worried about you" he says sheepishly, you smile, grabbing a bottle of water "don't be Lucas" you sigh "how can I not be, you're carrying my son" he says seriously, you laugh and ease yourself onto the sofa with a low groan "what's wrong? Are you hurt? Is it the baby? Are you in labor? Ohmigod I have to get back home! Call Carolyn and I'll meet you at the hospital-" "Luke shut up I was just sitting down" you giggle, he lets out a breath "oh...sorry...I'm just so worried about you being home alone this close to your due date" he confesses, you feel a small kick in your tummy and you grin "I'm fine Luke, just focus on recording and you'll be able to come home before you know it" you advise him, he sighs "fine...I'll probably call you again in five minutes though" he admits before hanging up.

Calum: "Okay I think I'm done with the drawers" Calum sighs, wiping sweat from his brow as he finishes baby-proofing your new kitchen "I've made a pile of stuff to throw away on the dining table" he adds, leaving his screwdriver on the kitchen counter and guiding you into the dining room, where random bits and bobs from drawers and boxes around the house are heaped in the middle of the dining table "I figured all this stuff would be dangerous to have in the house once the babies are born" he shrugs "what are the paperclips doing here?" You ask, Calum frowns and picks one out of the box "well they could easily swallow one or get poked in the eye so...yeah" he explains, chuckling softly, you sift through the pile till you reach the bottom, surprised to find three cartons of cigarettes "you're quitting?" You gasp, Calum nods, scratching the back of his neck shyly "I would never want to put them in danger...I might have the odd smoke maybe once a year if it gets really tough, but I'm going to quit, for you and for them." He murmurs, you smile widely and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

Ashton: "Honey I'm home!" You hear Ashton yell from the front door "in the kitchen" you call, bending down stiffly to retrieve a glass from the dishwasher "what the hell are you doing?!" Ashton demands, you straighten up and stow the glass in the cabinet "I'm unloading the dishwasher Ash" you reply, giggling softly "well stop it, jesus (Y/N) are you trying to get your water to break?" He scolds, taking your arm and easing you into a chair "I was just doing the chores I do literally everyday while you're at work" you laugh, his eyebrows shoot up and his jaw drops "you do this everyday?! You're going to hurt yourself (Y/N)! Just leave the chores to me I'll do them when I get home" Ashton begs, you roll your eyes and stand up "stop being silly Ash, look I still have to get the laundry done so if you'll excuse me" he grabs your waist and steers you back "not a chance. You have to stop bending over so low and lifting heavy stuff (Y/N), you're going to hurt your back" he reprimands you, you sigh, sitting back down and folding your arms over your chest with a huff "and stay there, I'm going to do dinner so I got my eye on you" Ashton warns.

Michael: You giggle as Wario leaps up, twisting in glee as you clip his leash on "Mikey I'm taking Wario for a walk!" You yell, Michael immediately comes hurrying out of the living room, shaking his head "no no no, no way! It's winter (Y/N), you can't go out in the cold, what if you get sick? Or what if you slip on ice?" He says indignantly, you roll your eyes and grab your boots "help me get these on" you order him, he sighs, knowing you won't give in. You allow Michael to hold the leash as you walk to the coffee shop, joking with him as you trudge through the slushy sidewalk, you hear Wario growl and he soon begins barking, your head snaps up just in time for the flash of a camera, Michael's grip tightens on your waist and he turns around,  shielding you from the cameras "baby I'm sorry about this, we better get away before more arrive" he mutters, you sigh "let's just go home" you suggest "no they'll follow-" "Michael over here!" There are more flashes and you groan, Michael places one hand protectively over your bump, the other on the small of your back, Wario's leash on his wrist, soon the paps are moving closer, jeering and yelling to catch your attention "back off!" Michael snarls, he is getting increasingly more angry as you get more and more scared, the camera flashes are blinding you and the paps are getting rowdier "just fuck off for godsake! She's pregnant! Aren't you people fucking human! Give her some freaking space!" He yells shoving with his shoulder to get you out of the mob.

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