Growing Bump (His P.O.V)

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Luke: "Hey squirmy" I whisper into the dark, my voice husky and thick from sleep, (Y/N) sighs, knowing she's woken me up "sorry" she mumbles softly, I chuckle and pull her as close to me as possible, my stubble tickling against her cheek "what's up?" I hum, my eyes still closed "I'm tired of sleeping on my back, it hurts" she whines, I prop myself up on my side and rub my bleary eyes, I notice the dark bags beneath (Y/N)'s eyes and bite my lip, feeling bad "c'mere babe" I murmur, pulling her closer by her waist so that she's also on her side, facing me, I know she's more comfortable now, but she's also a lot further away from me, her bump separating us, she sighs and I smile sympathetically "I know it's hard baby, but there's only a little while left until he's out okay?" I whisper, leaning forward and kissing her forehead, she nods and I rub her swollen tummy gently.

Calum: I look in the mirror and straighten my tie, brushing a bit of lint off my suit jacket as I wait for (Y/N) to come downstairs "you okay up there honey?" I call, checking my watch to see that we only have twenty more minutes to get to the charity ball "yeah gimme a sec" (Y/N) replies, I sigh and sit down, drumming my fingers on the coffee table and watching the stairs. I can't help the smile on my face when I see (Y/N), her dress hugs her bump perfectly and she's literally glowing "you look so perfect" I murmur, she giggles, I hurry to help her down the stairs, frowning when I see the sky high heels she's wearing, I bite my lip, watching as she totters down the stairs, I know she'll be upset if I ask her to change them, but as she's on the last step, she loses her balance, grabbing my arms to steady herself "yeah you're not wearing those" I say firmly "but-" I cut her off, holding up a hand to show that I'm not going to compromise "you can hardly support your bump as it is baby, just put on your sneakers or something" I sigh, she huffs but allows me to sit her down and change her shoes.

Ashton: "Hey doll" I coo, coming up behind (Y/N), laying my hands on her hips and pressing a kiss to her cheek "Ash you're home" she hums, leaning into me, giggling as I bury my face into her hair "how's our little man been treating you today?" I ask, she shrugs, chuckling softly "he's getting a little too big for my tummy" she grins, pulling out of my grip to stir a pot of sauce on the stove, I open the fridge and grab a can of beer, I lean back on the counter, chugging down the chilled beer, suddenly shocked by a loud clatter and a squeal from (Y/N) "are you okay?!" She stumbles into my arms and we both survey the tomato sauce smeared over the kitchen tiles "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I just turned too quick and my tummy hit the handle and it just went flying and-" "breathe honey, all I want to know is if you're both okay" I soothe, guiding her towards the living room, my hand rubbing over her bump "we're fine" she sighs, lifting her top to scan for bruising, I press a kiss to the slightly reddening spot on the left of her bump and smile softly "just be careful baby, yeah?" I chuckle.

Michael: "Please hurry up sweetie, my parents are already at the restaurant" I sigh, dropping my phone on the bed and running a hand through my hair "I can't find anything that fits" (Y/N) whines, a towel wrapped around her body as she crosses her arms and pouts at me "oh for godssake you've got to be kidding me" I groan, I'm about to grab one of her favourite dresses, but then I remember that the red silk is skintight and she'd just get upset if I suggested it "what about those maternity clothes you bought last week?" I ask softly, she huffs and rolls her eyes "they're ugly Michael" she snaps, starting to get mad "no they're not baby, you look beautiful in them, you can wear that lovely dress that we got" I coo, padding closer to her and setting my hand on her hip, she sighs, lowering her gaze "it-it doesn't fit me anymore" she mumbles, I frown, my hands moving to her bump "but we just bought it last week" I murmur, instantly regretting my words as (Y/N)'s eyes fill with tears "but hey that's fine love, shh, babe don't cry, it just shows our little girl is growing! Look just wear one of my shirts and your jeans and we'll go okay baby?" I ramble, wiping tears from her cheeks, she allows me to dress her in one of my Metallica tank tops and help her shimmy into a pair of jeans, sniffling softly "thanks Mikey" she whispers, I smile and kiss her "anything for my queen and my little princess" I coo.

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