Labor/Delivery Part 2

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Luke: By the time you reach the hospital, you can barely walk, crippled with pain. You keep your hands pressed against your bump, breathing rapidly. "L-Luke you bastard" you groan, a contraction building as a nurse helps you into a wheelchair. You are taken to a small private room "would you like to take a walk, or perhaps use an exercise ball to speed up the process?" The nurse asks, smiling kindly. You grimace at the thought of a walk and mutter out that you would like an exercise ball. Luke helps you to change into a hospital gown and you sit on the exercise ball with a low groan "fuck this hurts" you growl, gripping his shoulders. "I know, but just think about the end result" Luke says with a tentative smile. "The doctor will be round in a moment to check how far you are dilated" the nurse chimes as she exits the room. Luke's hands settle on your hips, rolling them gently in a circular pattern. He breathes with you, his face contorting ridiculously, and you are slightly comforted by the thought that if it weren't for the fact that you were mid-contraction, you would be in peals of uncontrollable laughter. There is a soft knock on the door and a young doctor enters, smiling warmly "Mr Hemmings, if you don't mind I'm going to have to steal your fiancé away for just a moment" he grins. Luke chuckles, slipping his strong arms around your waist to help you to the bed. You lay down on the soft bed and the doctor flips through some papers on his clipboard before snapping on a pair of gloves and disappearing between your legs, Luke grips your hand, smoothing your hair from your sweaty forehead as you cringe. "Alright well it looks like you're going to be here a while're only two centimetres dilated, and it doesn't look like baby is in any hurry" the doctor chuckles. You groan, letting your legs drop as he writes on his clipboard "but your vitals are looking good, and baby's heartbeat is strong, so that's a good sign" he assures you. You nod, trying to be optimistic as he leaves you alone with Luke again "get some rest honey" Luke murmurs, kissing your forehead gently.

Calum: You lean over your bump, groaning loudly as your contraction builds steadily, the strong waves of pain making you see stars "are we almost there?!" You scream, Calum bites his lip, squeezing your hand tightly "kind of" he mumbles, which you know means 'no'. "Drive faster you bastard" you sob, Calum gulps, pressing his foot harder on the gas, suddenly you hear sirens nearby and Calum curses softly under his breath. "Baby I gotta pull over-" "if you fucking pull over Calum I'll kick you so hard your nuts will fly up your throat" you spit savagely. He winces, slowing down tentatively before pulling over to the side of the road. A cop comes strolling leisurely up to your window and the second he pushes his head through you hit him with a torrent of creative threats and insults. "I'm so sorry officer, she's in labour you see! Twins!" Calum exclaims apologetically, the cop nods understandingly and Calum zooms off again, and soon you are peeling into the hotel parking lot. "What do you mean all the private rooms are full" you snarl, your nails burrowing into Calum's arm "I'm sorry honey" he cooes as you are taken to a room with two empty beds, you heave yourself onto the first bed, groaning as pain flares in your back. A few minutes later a groaning woman is brought in and helped into the second bed, and soon the two of you are screaming in unison "Cal-Cal I want the pain relief, I want the pain relief!" You sob, gripping his hand "just give it a second, push through babe, deep breaths-" "no! I want the goddamn pain relief you son of a bitch!" You scream, he presses the button to summon the nurse and soon the numbing drugs are flowing through your system as the nurse informs you that you are merely four centimetres dilated, you smile demurely, settling back into the bed, the pain a minor factor now as your eyes drift closed.

Ashton: You allow the water to support you, the weight of your body and your bump floating freely in the bathtub. It's been a few minutes since your last contraction, and you can hear Ashton in the next room talking with the midwife, who has just arrived. You lean your head against the cold metal of the tap and brace your hands on the cool porcelain sides of the bathtub, your breathing speeding up as you feel a contraction starting, the pain wrapping around your lower body. "Ash" you groan, biting your lip as the pain heightens. He comes in moments later with the midwife and kneels by your side, taking your hand in both of his and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "I'm here baby, it's okay" he whispers, you whine softly, arching your back "you're doing wonderfully so far (Y/N), and you're making progress" the midwife smiles, patting your knee gently. You grit your teeth, you're eyes screwed shut as your contraction ends "how you feeling baby?" Ashton hums, wiping sweat from your forehead. "The contractions are getting stronger" you murmur as you lie back in the water. Ashton lays his palm against your bump, stroking gently "we can't wait to meet you buddy, but go easy on your mummy okay?" He cooes, you smile tiredly and lay your hand on top of his. "I'm going to check how far you're dilated okay?" The midwife says gently, kneeling by your side, her hands delving below the water, you purse your lips and breathe deeply, waiting for her to finish. When she looks up she is frowning "something is wrong, we're going to have to get you to the hospital" she explains worriedly. Your eyes widen and you sit up, your eyes filling with tears "what's wrong? Is the baby okay?" You gasp. Ashton grips your hand, the blood draining from his face. "I can't be sure without a scan, you're going to need a doctor to know for sure" she says gravely, your heart skips a beat and your eyes meet Ashton's "everything will be okay baby, don't worry about a thing" he cooes, helping you out of the water.

Michael: "I'm so excited, we're gonna have our little girl soon" Michael rambles, you groan, rubbing the bottom of your bump "I can't believe it, this is incredible-" "shut up Michael for christsake" you snap, squeezing your eyes shut. He immediately stops talking, feeling a little hurt even though he knows it's the pain that is making you irritable. You are at the hospital in a few minutes, where Michael's mum-who he called in the car-is waiting for you. "(Y/N) darling, how are you feeling?" She asks, taking over from her clueless son and steering you towards your room. "Terrible" you whine, she tuts softly and throws Michael an accusing glare. "I don't know why on earth you took her to that ridiculous awards show Michael" she mutters, rolling her eyes as she helps you into bed. "Here we go love" she cooes, propping you up on pillows and lifting your head to feed you ice chips. You lie back and close your eyes, trying to get some rest, but this is pointless, as moments later a contraction flares in your lower body. You groan and Michael moves to your side, stroking your hair gently "I'm here baby" he whispers. A nurse comes in to check the position of the baby and informs you that you are six centimetres dilated. "Already? This is gonna be quick then" Karen smiles reassuringly, taking your hand in hers and wiping sweat from your forehead. You give her the best smile you can muster and turn to Michael "you're doing good baby, you're doing so good" he murmurs, kissing you on the forehead, you hum softly, nuzzling closer to him.

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