You're Sore/Uncomfortable

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Luke: You huff, lifting up your shirt and rubbing your palms over your tummy "what're you doing?" Luke chuckles, you sigh and drop your shirt "scratching" you admit sheepishly, he frowns, his eyebrows furrowing "have you got a rash or something?" He asks, standing up and padding over to you "'s these stretch marks Luke they itch like crazy, and they hurt sometimes too" you murmur, he tuts softly, kneeling by your side and rolling your top up, his blue eyes clouded over with worry, he frowns at the sight of your skin stretched tautly like a drum, his fingers tracing the angry red marks along your skin "I feel like I'm gonna burst" you whimper "baby I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable, how about a warm bath? And while you're in the bath I'll go to the supermarket and look for something to stop the itching hm?" He offers, you nod, gripping his arm as he helps you up.

Calum: You wince as you feel one of the babies kick you in the ribs, you groan softly and turn over, facing Calum, who is fast asleep, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he dreams, snoring softly, his mouth hanging open slightly, you turn onto your back, staring at the ceiling, you feel another sharp kick and sigh, turning so your back is to Calum, your gaze settles on your alarm clock, 4:57 blinking back at you in fluorescent green, your eyes fill with tears and you kick the duvet off your body, running a hand through your hair in frustration " okay?" Calum mutters, his voice thick and husky, he clears his throat, rubbing his eyes and crawling closer to you "don't cry princess, tell me what's wrong" he begs, his fingers stroking your arm gingerly "they're too big Cal, they just keep kicking me and it hurts!" You whimper, Calum sighs guiltily, his hand finding the swell of your stomach and stroking gently "not much longer princess okay? You don't have to carry them much longer" he soothes, kissing the base of your neck, you wince as you feel another kick "straighten your back up a little bit" he whispers, pressing his palm against your lower back, you follow his instructions, tucking yourself against his body instead of curling around your bump, the twins soon relax, and you drift off to sleep.

Ashton: "I got you babe" Ashton murmurs, his arm tightening around your hips as he guides you through the front door, you lean on him, tottering towards the sofa, one hand on your bump the other gripping his forearm "here we go, almost there baby" he cooes, you groan, stumbling in your heels as he eases you onto the sofa, the weight is immediately taken off your feet and you sigh blissfully "let's get these off yeah?" He murmurs, kneeling down and unzipping your high heels, prising them off your feet, making you hiss in pain "oh baby" he mumbles, staring at your swollen feet, the intricate print of your shoes is imprinted on your sore red skin "maybe just wear flip flops from now on yeah?" He suggests softly, massaging your feet "I can't wear flip flops Ash I'll look ridiculous" you whine, he continues rubbing your feet and rolls his eyes "you can't even walk in your heels" he reminds you "plus your feet are so swollen that wearing and kind of closed shoe will probably be unbearable, try and think realistically (Y/N)" he adds, you sigh heavily and glare at him "I hate when you make me do that" you grumble, he chuckles and stands up, kissing you on the tip of your nose.

Michael: You hum softly as Michael presses open mouthed kisses along your jawline, sucking softly on your skin "so beautiful" he mutters as his lips travel over your throat, leaving tiny pink hickeys, your fingers find his red hair, weaving through it and tugging gently as you moan, his hands move to your bra, unclasping it swiftly, but as soon as he touches your breasts you yelp, grabbing his wrist to stop him furthering his actions "baby what's wrong? Am I hurting you?" He asks, his face shrouded with worry "it hurts a lot" you whimper, he frowns "what does?" He asks, sitting up, you groan as his arm grazes your nipple "my boobs Michael" his eyes widen and instantly fall to your engorged breasts "shit...they are so swollen!" He exclaims, you nod, gritting your teeth as he reaches out to touch one gently "they're full!" He chuckles, delicately lifting them to check how heavy they are "damn our little lady's got a feast waiting for her!" He laughs, you roll your eyes and put your bra back on, ignoring Michael's comments as you attempt to clasp it, the movement making your breasts ache "here let me" he murmurs, rushing to help you "do you want to take a bath maybe? It'll take the weight off?" He offers, you smile and nod, cuddling up to him "but I just want to lay here with you first and take a nap" you mumble, he presses a kiss to your forehead and wraps his arms around you.

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