Finding Out

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Luke: You groan, rubbing your stomach as you look through a bridal magazine with your best friend "I've got such a weird cramp" you mumble, leaning your head on her shoulder "how about you lie down and I can get you some water?" She offers, you nod, laying down on the plush cushions "is it like period cramps? Cause I've got these great tablets that really work when you've got cramps and stuff" she calls from the kitchen "no my period isn't due till...last two weeks..." you trail off, staring at the wall and a millisecond later your best friend comes running into the room "your period is-?" "uh huh" "didn't you say you and Luke have been trying to-?" "uh huh" "so do you think you are-?" "I don't know" she squeals jumping up and down "(Y/N)! Go take a test! Quick!" She cries, you scurry off to the bathroom and find one of the multiple pregnancy tests you have stocked in the medicine cabinet, opening it with trembling fingers. When five minutes is finally up, you peek at it and gasp "it's positive!" You yell through the door, met with your best friend's excited screams.

Calum: You are in Barcelona for the weekend with Calum's sister Mali-Koa, shopping like crazy and just catching up with her. You've been feeling a little bit light headed all day, and the midsummer Barcelona heat is not helping, as you walk up and down the crowded streets, your arms laden with shopping bags, the heat makes the air above the road shimmer and ripple "Mali I don't feel too good" you mumble "do you wanna go back to the hotel?" She asks, immediately scanning the streets for a free taxi, you nod and soon you are huddled into a small taxi, which zooms down the street at breakneck speed, jostling you about, you reach your hotel in record time and you are ushered up to your room by Mali "how are you feeling now?" She asks as you settle into bed "I feel like crap" you mutter, she frowns, checking your temperature "your temperature is normal, are you on your period?" You shake your head "my period is late this month" Mali bites her lip and brushes your hair off your forehead "have you taken a pregnancy test? Just in case?" She says softly, you gulp, your eyes filling with tears as you slowly get up and fish through your bag, pulling one out, you go to the bathroom to take it and when five minutes are up, you check it, the result making you gasp, your hand over your mouth.

Ashton: It's been a few months since you and Ashton started trying for a baby, but nothing seems to be working. "What's wrong with me Lana? You had two kids just fine. Why can't I just do this one simple thing?" You cry, sobbing into your sister's shoulder "and he just always looks so disappointed when the test comes up negative" you whimper, Lana sighs, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead "oh darling, I know it hurts, but it took me a whole year of trying to get pregnant the first time, you just have to be patient. Ashton's a great guy, he'll understand, and anyways, what guy is going to turn up his nose on free sex?" She smiles gently, you sigh, shaking your head "definitely not Ash. The only problem is, I'm having trouble keeping up with it all, my body just aches all over, my head hurts, my back is just killing me, and don't even get me started about my breasts" you grumble, you are surprised to see your sister grinning at you "(Y/N) have you taken a test recently?" She asks, you shake your head slowly and her smile grows "well I think you better". Five minutes later you are both sitting on the couch, staring at the little blue plus in awe.

Michael: You groan, gagging as you lean your head further into the toilet bowl, your breakfast hurtling up your throat, you are currently in the mens bathrooms of your office, your coworker and gay best friend Mitchell holding your hair back and soothing you "let it all out babe, it's fine, we'll get the rest of the day off and go shopping!" You groan louder, shaking your head "I just want to sleep, forever" you choke out, you sit up for a second, breathing deeply, but soon your head is back over the toilet "it must be something you ate" Mitchell suggests, you finally finish throwing up and you bite your lip, grabbing your purse from the floor "Mitch I took a test today" you say warily, knowing exactly what you're talking about, he gasps "what'd it say?! Oh my god I can't believe you're now telling me this!" He cries "well I didn't look at it" you mumble, pulling out the box from your bag "I don't know what the result is" you croak, your eyes filling with tears, you hand it to him and he looks at it, biting his lip, "it's positive" he murmurs, he pulls you into his arms, rubbing your back as you sob into his shoulder.

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