♛Chapter 1: The Begining♛

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Once upon a time long, long ago... well more like 20 years ago... Belle also known as Taeyong married his Beast, Jaehyun, in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. 

Instead of a honeymoon, Jaehyun united all the kingdoms and got elected King of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains, sidekicks, and fascinating people, and booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.

No magic.

No Wi-Fi.

No way out.

Well, the last bit could not be true, until now. 


A handsome prince stood on a stool as he got his measurements for his crown and clothing that was due for an occasion that was due only in a few months. It was an important one for the Kingdom and mainly for him because that was the day everyone would know the times would change. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the entrance to his room.

"Come in." He sternly called as the guards slowly opened the doors.

Giggling and laughter could be heard as the prince then realised it was his parents, the king and queen. He got off the stool and instantly bowed to them including his tailor. 

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby!" Jaehyun whined as he walked in with Taeyong, arms linked with each other.

"He's 18, Dear!" Taeyong reminded as he made his way to the boy who was standing still. 

The tailor then said to take a break and left the room quickly so the prince could talk with the two royals in the room who were his parents.

"18 is far too young to be crowned King!" Jaehyun grumbled before walking over to the said prince and hugging him in a bear hug... more like a beasty hug! 

This prince is the son of Queen Taeyong and King Jaehyun named Prince Lee Minhyung, also known as Mark by most people in Auradon.

Handsome, intelligent, kind and considerate, he is everything you would want in a guy and is perfect boyfriend material. The many girls and boys that swoon over him are endless but everyone knows their boundaries when it comes to Mark.

"Mum... Dad... I've chosen my first official proclamation!" Mark proudly announced receiving bright reactions from his parents. 

The official proclamation is a declaration made by the Prince before they are coronated to be the King of Auradon. And after years of attempting to decide what this proclamation would be, Mark had finally decided on what the best thing for Auradon was. The question was what would his parents think about it? 

"I've decided that... The children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon!" declared Mark with as much courage he could from what he had mustered.

Sadly the reactions he got were what he expected. Jaehyun's jaw dropped, wide as he was in shock at such a proclamation. But the jaw was quickly closed by Taeyong when he noticed the mouth fully ajar.

"I can explain, every time I look out to the island I feel like they've been abandoned!" Mark reminded and walked towards his parents to hold their hands.

"The children of our sworn enemies living among us?" Jaehyun coughed as he tried to clarify what Mark had just said. 

In all honesty, Jaehyun knew it wasn't the best of ideas, if anything he was fully against it and was desperate to try and change Mark's mind as only negative situations of what could happen lingered in his mind.

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