♛Chapter 27: Good Boy Gone Bad ♛

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"I think we all know why we are here. The people are in a panic about Johnny. He almost got out, who knows what he would have done if he had escaped. We can't risk having another villain on the loose." Jaehyun reminded Mark and Donghyuck.

An emergency meeting was held the next day after the attack happened with Johnny. For the people of Auradon, the thought of a villain escaping had caused everyone to go into a big panic and too many complaints were given to the royal for the problem that had happened.

Since the complaints became too much, it was up to Jaehyun Taeyong and Kun to arrange a meeting for the urgent matter and it was Donghyuck who said he would figure out a solution but so far no plans have been made.

"I feel like this is my fault. I am supposed to protect Auradon." Donghyuck tried to apologise but got interrupted by Mark.

"You did, you do protect Auradon," Mark argued.

Mark knew Donghyuck was going to shift the blame on himself even though it wasn't his fault and he had to be the person to make sure that wasn't possible, after all, he was the one who knew Donghyuck was perfect it was the aftermath that would be the only way. On the bright side, it could have been worse.

"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Ten, Yangyang, Johnny?" Kun added but paused when Mark's phone started to ring.

Excusing himself Mark picked the phone up from his desk and answered the call that was interrupting the meeting. After a few seconds, the call was done and sadly it wasn't good news.

"Maleficent's sceptre and the Queen's crown have been stolen," Mark announced.

Eyes widened from the information told to the group. For Jaehyun, the answer was most likely to be one person, and one person only. 

"Yangyang?" Jaehyun asked.

"We don't know that, Father," Mark shut down knowing it was not good for his father to instantly jump to conclusions.

"When the people hear this, they will never want to leave their houses. What do we tell them? Donghyuck? What do we do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?"  Taeyong doubted, not knowing if Donghyuck had ideas or not.

There was a long pause of silence as Donghyuck thought of the best plan for both the Isle and Auradon. He wanted to give more chances to the villain kids but if each time the barrier is opened then it causes danger to the people of Auradon. And reason the danger starts is because the barrier is opened.

"I think that there's only one way to guarantee the safety of the people. And I think that there can't be any more visits in or out. I think that we have to close the barrier... forever." Donghyuck confirmed. 

He said this as a royal and as a villain kid. It was the only way and it seemed true as Taeyong, Jaehyun and Kun all agreed. There was only one problem. Mark.

Because of the terrible plan, the King walked away from the conversation knowing that what they were doing was going against the project that he wanted to be done before he was crowned King. 

This meant that they were going against Mark's wishes and that is something that can't be done unless he agrees. Donghyuck noticed this quickly stopping him from leaving the conference room. 

"Hey, I do not want to take away your dream, because it was so beautiful! And it's one of the reasons why I fell in love with you. But as King, and as Queen what's our duty?" Donghyuck asked knowing Mark wouldn't want to say the answer but knew it was the only answer.

"To protect, Auradon. But do you know what this would mean? All those kids? Are you prepared for that?" Mark questioned hoping Donghyuck could see why he was choosing the villain kids.

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