🕸Chapter 13: The Start Of Something New🕸

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"Donghyuck! Donghyuck! Donghyuck!" 

"Only three days to the Royal Cotillion. Ever think a guy like you would be Lord of the Court?" 

"How does it feel to be the most envied guy in Auradon?"

"Do you like being brown?" The interviewers called and shouted out, as cameras clicked and microphones were shoved into the boy's face. 

It was a hectic press conference done standing and on the school grounds. And yes, Donghyuck was now cinnamon-brown instead of purple-haired. It is a way of him being one with the Auradon civilians and showing that he has changed and is no longer the child of the evilest villain. 

"Is your mother still a lizard?" 

A cough was heard before the press started to part ways for a very important someone to make their way through. He was tall wearing a blue suit and wore a golden crown that was only a little wonky no matter how hard you could try to make it straight, it was always out of place.

For those who don't know it was one and only King Mark Lee, Donghyuck's boyfriend and soon-to-be husband. Donghyuck's knight and shining armour, there to save him from the monstrous beasts - the press. 

It had only been a few months since Mark had been crowned King and already Donghyuck got bombarded with the press as he was now pushed to a role like a Lord since he was dating Mark and people assumed the two would stay together forever so Donghyuck should get ready for the role and take some responsibility before things were mand official. 

"Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes," Mark announced to the press regarding the question about Donghyuck's mother still being a lizard. 

Mark then stood next to Donghyuck and held his hand to calm his nerves down. He was watching the younger from afar so when the questions did get personal or out of hand it was only natural that he went and stepped in. 

"Did you ever think you'd be with a villain kid?" 

Mark chuckled at the question. Of course, he didn't, but there he was, in a healthy loving relationship with the boy he loved the most who was the son of one of the most terrorised Villains the people of Auradon had ever seen.

"We are done here." Mark smiled before hugging Donghyuck tightly as Kun soon stepped in hushing the press down, kindly figuring out how to get the press off the school grounds.

"Okay! This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." Kun warned knowing that it was the best way to get them out, stopping most reporters that wanted to ask a really quick question.

And he ignored them like a professional, telling the press to be quiet and leave. It was clear Mark and Donghyuck didn't want the cameras on them at the moment and now, thanks to the all-mighty Fairy Godmother they were all gone.

"Thank you, guys." Mark and Donghyuck thanked them, after all, they were leaving and well they had to be polite as the royal couple mainly so they wouldn't have any reasons to be hated.

"Donghyuck, Mark!" Kun acknowledged so he could leave as he did have to announce his leaving of his presence.

"Kun Hyung." They both replied before watching as Kun left.

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