♛Chapter 2: Introductions♛

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"I'm already homesick!" Jisung groaned as he looked at the island disappear from his sight. 

They were all currently in the limo, which was on its way to Auradon. Sitting back in his place Jisung suddenly noticed some containers and jars filled with colourful food catch his eye. Jeno noticed it too and it was only seconds before the two could fight over the sweet treats.

"You're looking a little washed out. Let me help you." Jungwoo said getting his makeup brush and adding a little bit of blush to Donghyuck's face who was only in deep thought.

"Ew stop! I'm...plotting." The boy hesitantly spat out before looking into the distance. 

Donghyuck couldn't stop thinking about what his mother said and he knew he wasn't going to let him down. He was going to get that wand!

"Well, it's not very attractive!" Jungwoo argued before biting into a sugar crystal and making sure he looked more presentable looking into the mirror his mother gave him. 

Soon the limo was at the end of the bridge and the vizier between the driver and the passenger seat slowly went down allowing the others to see what was going to happen and that was when Jisung noticed they were going to drive right off the Isle.

"Guys! It's a trap!" Jisung panicked before griping onto the other three tightly in fright, jumping to the conclusion that they were going to die. 

The road they were on was starting to come to an end as the sea below them started to come into their eyesight. They all huddled together squeezing each other, scared to see what was ahead. They all thought they were going to fall anytime soon. 

That was before they saw the yellow whisps and sparkles surrounding the car. A yellow brick bridge followed in front of the car making the VKs gasp at the sight. The bridge travelled over the sea and it was a beautiful sight. They loved it.

"It must be magic!" Jungwoo remarked, in awe at the sight of something they were born not able to see and only hear about.

Unfortunately, their fun journey would soon come to an end when they started to go into a green area and that was when it came into sight. Right next to them was a castle-like building. Blue and yellow were everywhere, as a marching band played loud and proudly. 

Some people smiled welcomely as signs were held up saying 'Welcome!' and others waved their hands and flags. When the car stopped, the chauffeur opened the door to the limo as Jeno and Jisung tumbled their way out of the car trying to steal something. 

"Stop! You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?" Jisung yelled making the marching band stop playing. 

"Cause you want it! Now give it to me!" Jeno simply said pulling on whatever Jisung tried to keep for himself.

The welcoming audience soon split as a person with light blue clothing made his way through disgusted at the sight of what was happening in front of him.

"Guys. Guys! GUYS! We have an audience!" Donghyuck warned before smiling uncomfortably at the sight of the person in front of them who smiled uneasily back.

"Leave it as you found it~ And by that I mean just leave it!" The person expressed his emotion becoming a little darker from the last words.

Two other people stood beside the man. One was a raven-haired boy and the other was a shorter and more petite boy. Jeno noticed the smaller one and undeniably agreed with himself, he was a beauty.

"Hello, foxy~ The name's Jeno!" The muscular boy smirked at the smaller who only chuckled a little in response before keeping a fake smile on his face.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep! I am Fairy Godmother, Headmaster, but you can call me Kun." The older man said doing a little bow to the other four.

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