♛Chapter 29: Father and Son♛

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Back to Isle. The 6 boys had finally made it safely across and their first destination was Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Arcade where they could start their expedition to get Hades' ember. As soon as they parked their bikes, it wasn't long before people noticed the sudden change in Donghyuck's appearance again. 

"Hey, I'm me again!" Donghyuck announced feeling he could move his joints properly without old age restrictions. 

"Duh! Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point of the barrier!" Sungchan sassed causing the others to chuckle a little. 

"Welcome back!" Shotaro added before all of them walked to the arcade. 

The sight of it brought a small sense of nostalgia, after all, the sight of the dark alleyway that smelled damp from some sort of water leak,  led to the arcade. There was a small desk on the way that looked untouched as it would be where Shotaro and Sungchan would hang around as they did tarot cards on people for extra money. 

When they approached the door, Shotaro knocked on the door, dancing a little to the rhythm that had to be knocked to enter. It wasn't long before a long rhythmed knock followed and Shotaro had to knock a different rhythm. When that was done, the door opened, sliding to reveal another pathway. 

"Come on in!" Shotaro welcomed, his hand asking to follow as they went in. 

The inside was spacious and filled with different games varying from claw machines to wack-a-mole but instead of moles, they were Prince and Princesses or your so-called heroes.

"Dad!" Shotaro called as he ran into his dad's arms.

"Here, he is! Come here little rascal!" Yuta called before doing a cute handshake with his son before entrapping him with a tight hug.

"So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them, shiny people?" Yuta asked taking Shotaro on a short walk away from the 5 other villain kids so their conversation was private. 

In the process, one of his minions got him his cane in case he would have to use it, but since Yuta knew everyone and everyone knew Yuta, they all knew that there wouldn't be any violence. 

"No hustle. I have friends on the other side," Shotaro giggled as they walked towards a seating area. 

"Ah, I hear you. I hear you," Yuta added, sitting on a chair.

"We're on a mission. I'm a major player so that's why I can't stay long," Shotaro added taking the key to Hades' lair and putting it around his neck.

Turning back round he noticed Yuta didn't look too happy because he had a job to do. Rolling his eyes a little he knew what his dad was going to say next.

"You make sure you get your cut!" Yuta warned to which Shotaro chuckled a little, nodding because, of course, all would be worth it if people found out that he and Sungchan helped make Auradon safe again, which allows them to gain the trust of others.

Meanwhile, Jisung was a little worried. Reaching in his pocket for a coin, he inserted it into a television that would soon show a presenter in front of the school discussing the situation.

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon."

"Uh, guys. Come look at this!" Jisung called causing the four others to walk over to see what the problem was.

"There are rumours that Sleeping Beauty's son, Renjun, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil... We have an update... It's what? Is it moving this way? It's moving this way!"

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