🕸Chapter 17: Old Habits🕸

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"What is this?" Mark asked sternly.

Donghyuck's mouth was agape, too stunned to speak. He watched as Mark took the brown book properly out of the picnic basket, inspecting the cover. Realising there were specific pages in the book that were tabbed, Mark opened the pages revealing the cheat codes Donghyuck had been using for his time in Auradon.

"I actually threw that in there super last minute! In case it rained or..." Donghyuck exclaimed trying to cover his tracks but then realised it might have been too late.

He knew it was too late to take the book out of Mark's hands, especially since he already opened the first page and started to read the content.

"Speed reading spell! Brown hair spell! Cooking spell! And I was giving you props for fitting in so well! For doing your best!" Mark angrily yelled at Donghyuck gesturing to the book.

No wonder Donghyuck was too perfect! He was using magic. It only made Mark feel betrayed that he put so much praise on the boy for trying to fit in, he should have noticed he fitted in too well though and confronted him it was fine to not reach the expectations.

"Take back this moment that has passed, return it... Reverse it-"

"Are you trying to spell me right now?" Mark exclaimed even more disappointed that the younger was trying to make him forg...........................................................................................................................................................................et the moment.

"It has been so hard for me!" Donghyuck shot back already knowing the argument was not going to end well.

"Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?" Mark argued trying to see if Donghyuck really cared about his feelings too.

The new roles and responsibilities he was put with as King were much more piled compared to the pile he had as Prince. It was more stricter, there were more dangers that he had to take care of and most importantly events and meetings he had to attend. Compared to Donghyuck's work, Mark would have twice the number of jobs to do.

"I thought we were doing this together-" 

"Mark, we are in this together." Donghyuck stood up from his chair seeing how Mark looked at him with pure disappointment.

"But we are not, Donghyuck. We are not! You have been keeping secrets and lying to me. I thought we were done with that. This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Hyuck." Mark pitied hoping Donghyuck understood the responsibility of his actions.

"Yeah! Believe me, I know that!" Donghyuck sternly said wanting Mark to shut up at the moment. 

"Then why are you doing this?" Donghyuck frowned at Mark. The argument has already gone too far into their date and it is clear they don't deserve to be with each other.

"Because..." Donghyuck scoffed as he looked at the stuff he made and did it all because of magic.

This showed he wasn't worthy of Mark's trust, love and time. He was useless without magic and now this was obvious as he couldn't find any other way to figure out how to live without it. This really showed how worthless he was as a person.

"I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Mark. I'm not one of those Lord from the Court. I'm a big fake okay? I'm fake! This is fake!" Donghyuck cried as he pointed at the delicious exquisite food on the table.

"This is fake!" He repeated touching his brown hair that he didn't dye.

"Take this feast, this sumptuous meal, return it back to what is real." Donghyuck cast.

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