♛Chapter 3: Try Not To Get Caught♛

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So the four snuck out of the dorms, making their way to the museum easily, using the mirror, to find the directions to where the wand was. They knew they had to go past the security room first which was probably the hardest part despite how easy it was to get past it.

Along with that, there were many artefacts like the trident of Poseidon, the spinning wheel, the rose in the glass bottle, the glass slipper, and the magic lamp, which all caught the eyes of the boys.

There was a security guard in the room looking carefully at the many screens of live recording cameras. To speed things up, Donghyuck quickly took the magic book out recalling the presence of the spinning wheel. This meant he could be like his mother and use it to cast a spell to put the guard to sleep.

"Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." 

The four watched with smirks on their faces as the security guard made his way to the spinning wheel and pricked his finger on the needle, sending him into a deep slumber. Small high-fives were given to Donghyuck as the four soon progressed into the room.

"The wand is close!" Jungwoo whispered to the boys, as he checked the magic mirror once last time for directions to the wand.

Running up the many flights of stairs they finally made it to the top of the floor the wand was on. On the other hand, they were also met with horrific sights of four powerful statues.

One was tall with a draping cape and snake staff lifted in the air and looking at another statue that had a black and white fur coat on with Dalmatian puppies running away from them. One had a crown on their head looking evilly at a red apple and lastly, one stood in the middle of it all whose eyes burned emerald green with a sceptre at hand and a crow on their shoulder.

"Mom?" Jungwoo asked as he saw his mother's statue. 

Together, they looked like the worst villains you would ever want to cross together. No wonder people were scared when they first arrived if they had statues like this in a museum and they were the children.

"Well... the wand's not here. Let's bounce!" Jeno said to finish the mission and go back to sleep pretending everything was going g to be just fine in the morning.

Even though Jeno, Jungwoo and Jisung left, Donghyuck was left still staring at the statue, front and centre. The all mighty Maleficent. Terrorising and proud as always.

"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it."

Donghyuck could somehow hear Ten's voice whispering into his ear just by looking at the statue. He knew that he could never be as terrorising as his mother and that stealing a magic wand was wrong. But sometimes you have to do anything to make your parents proud.

"Donghyuck! Come on! We found the wand! Let's go!" Jungwoo said when he quickly ran back to see that the younger had moved with them and was still looking at his mother. 

Jungwoo soon dashed off when Donghyuck started to move. It left Donghyuck to look at his mother one last time before he was back in the game. 

When the four reached the location of the wand, it was floating and within reach. However, they knew that there had to be a catch otherwise why would it be so easy to get? Jeno being the thief he is though, sneakily made his way to the wand without thinking of an arm ready to grab the wand.

"Jeno wait!" Donghyuck warned in an attempt to stop the boy from touching the wand. 

But it was too late. Sirens went off loudly as Jeno's hand was forcefully repelled back.

"A force field and a siren?" Jisung yelled in pain as he covered his ears, annoyed by Jeno's stupid actions of not listening to them and that they all have to face the problems now.

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