♛Chapter 31: Knights In Shining Armour♛

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Renjun looked at the sceptre, watching as the villain kids walked around Mark's castle through the crystal in the sceptre, he was not happy. 

"How did Donghyuck break my spell?" Renjun asked Jaemin.

The younger shrugged not thinking much about it only to realise Renjun was seriously enraged by the response. Taking a glass bowl he threatened Jaemin to give answers as if it was his fault. Although, Donghyuck not being an old hag anymore wasn't the biggest of his problems.

"And what is Yangyang doing here!" The elder screamed.

Renjun wasn't coming to his senses as all he saw was red. Overwhelmed, he threw the glass bowl at Jaemin. Luckily the boy was quick enough to dodge the glass bowl but it was still in shock because Renjun threw the bowl at him. The real Renjun would have never done that.

"Come clean Jaemin. Where did they go-"

"I don't know! I don't know okay! I can go check for you, how about that?" Jaemin defended hoping that Renjun wasn't too annoyed with him already. 

"No, stay. It's about to get a little ugly," Renjun smirked as he looked back into the crystal on the sceptre.





The group walked through one of the corridors of the castles with slight hope that Mark was in the castle. If they were then that meant Mark would have come out of at least one of the rooms by now if he wasn't asleep.

"This way!" Daegal urged.

It was a good thing the boys had Daegal with them. Although she wasn't the best when it came to behaviour especially when she wanted constant attention as the royal dog, when it comes to tactically she is truly one of a kind. 

"Mark could be asleep anywhere," Donghyuck worried.

"Or turned to stone?" Jeno added, ignoring the glaring eyes shot by Jisung and Jungwoo as he just made Donghyuck worry more.

"I got another scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people." Daegal announced before expecting praise or compliments for what she has done.

"That great Daegal!" Jisung said as he lifted the dog off the ground and gave it a big hug before putting her back on the floor to carry on with searching.

They had been wandering around the castle for over 10 minutes and they were only on the second floor as Mark wandered around his castle a lot. In truth, he stays in his room but since Mark could be anywhere they knew they had to search the whole castle.

"I never had a pet growing up. Well except for the crocodile head in my dad's man cave but that was always to tease Hook-"

Xiaojun stopped with what he was saying as he felt Yangyang's hand on his chest telling him to stop. The younger was looking at the walls, the portraits and the paintings. They were beautiful before giant claw marks were present destroying the so-called beauty.

"Hold up. What's this? Any chance this was already there?" Yangyang asked, looking at Donghyuck who shrugged his shoulders unaware of what could have possibly happened.

Ignoring the scratched walls the group followed Daegal until they reached the armory. It was a big hall filled with different types of weapons from rapiers to cutlasses to katana swords. Just the sight of them made Hendery drool from how beautiful they were.

"You two stay on the lookout," Jungwoo instructed Sungchan and Shotaro who could only pout because they didn't have anything to do but luckily they had each other's company so it wasn't lonely.

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