♛Chapter 32: True Loves Kiss♛

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"He's nowhere on campus..." Jungwoo announced to the others.

As he did so, Yangyang, Shotaro, Sungchan and Donghyuck tried to find Renjun but were slightly failing. Choosing to snoop around the building, they went into Renjun's room to see if there was anything to be found.

"Found his diary and dang did you ruin Renjun's life..." Yangyang teased making Donghyuck have more interest in the diary instead.

"Did you find anything in there at least?" Donghyuck asked making Yangyang realise that reading through the diary could actually be useful and not just him being nosey.

Flicking through some pages Yangyang speed read through the paragraphs of many entries, the words creating pictures in his mind of what happened to Renjun in his mind, and gosh did Renjun make it seem like Donghyuck was the villain. He kept reading till he stopped at what seemed like valuable information. Although seeing how Renjun might have a crush on Jeno from what was written seemed like great blackmail, it wasn't valuable information.

"He hangs out at fair cottage you know where Flora, Fauna and Merry Weather took his mom from your mom-"

"Yes. The irony is not lost on me!" Donghyuck muttered not wanting to hear the rest of what Yangyang could have possibly said.

Slumping on the bed, Shotaro rolled around making the sheets crumple and pillows disorganised. Sighing in relief, he felt his eyes want to close but he couldn't, he shouldn't.

"How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?" Shotaro asked nestling his face into a pillow enjoying the soft and squishiness of the comfortable material.

Jungwoo chuckled a little before stroking Shotaro's head, he looked so at peace and relaxed, it only made him more worried before the past few days had been a mess, but he knew with everyone's but mostly Donghyuck's help, things could be back to normal. Looking across the room to Renjun's makeup table Jungwoo laughed at a sight purely too hilarious to forget.

An over-dressed Shotaro looking like a princess was dressed in a baby pink dress that Jungwoo noticed was one of his, decked in precious rubies and pearled jewellery ranging from multiple necklaces, rings and tiaras. He looked exceptional posing in front of the boys who could only hide their surprise and adoration to the boy. 

"So... How do I look?" Shotaro asked, twirling and dropping a curtsy to Donghyuck.

Donghyuck chuckled at the sight looking to Yangyang and Jungwoo who had similar reactions to what he had. Initially, it was Sungchan who told Shotaro to dress up as a joke, but when the result looked too good to be true, his mouth dropped wide from the unexpected turnout.

"You look stunning, darling, but all the bling stays here," Jungwoo gestured using his hands in a circular motion. It caused a noiseless groan to escape Shotaro's mouth before he stormed out of the room.


"I hope they found Mark," Donghyuck groaned as the four walked into Jungwoo's place.

It was quiet, and quite dark since the curtains weren't open. As the boys went around opening windows and curtains, Jungwoo went into his workshop. In doing so he stumbled across a sleeping person. 

Gasping at the sight, he crouched down to take a better look at who it was as Donghyuck and Yangyang came into the room to see if there were any issues. Donghyuck stayed by the door frame knowing instantly who it was and quickly gestured to Yangyang to leave the two alone.

"Who is the dude?" Yangyang whispered but it was loud enough for Jungwoo to hear.

"Lucas..." Jungwoo worriedly whispered back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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