♛Chapter 30: The Return♛

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The office was messy. Paper was scattered around the whole room and if anything was touched the King would end up being a little upset. He was setting up extra precautions for the recent attack of sleeping princes and princesses.

"No. No, I want the Auradon guard handing out gas masks... Well not everyone is asleep!" Mark irritatedly said to the person on the other side of his call before ending the call. 

Looking up from his telephone he made eye contact with a guard. As soon as that happened the guard nodded their head and made their way toward Mark as they knew something had to be relayed or researched. 

"Can you find out if anyone has seen Renjun and if he has a list of demands?" Mark asked before the guard nodded, bowed and instantly left.

Pleased that there was a long moment of silence, Mark took his blazer off and hung it behind his chair before sitting on it, satisfied that it was very comfortable and was helping with his muscle aches. After a few seconds of sitting he had a sudden feeling that someone was behind him. Turning around, the King was met with someone he wished not to see in the situation the whole of Auradon was in but was also glad to see so he could try and help the lost villain.

"Just one demand. I demand my life back. I have a proposition. I'll wake up everybody right now, under one itty-bitty condition Markie. Make me your queen and we'll rule side by side!" Renjun asked resting his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"Did someone put a spell on you? Just tell me who and-"

"You'll what? Marry them? Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough. I wasn't bad enough. How do you like me now Markles?" Renjun bragged, twirling around to show he too can be as bad as Donghyuck was.

Feeling an instant pit of guilt in his stomach, Mark felt bad for his lifelong friend. He assumed that even if they broke up the two could stay as friends, especially since Jaemin has a big interest in him so it would have been easy for him to move on. He guessed wrong.

"I like the old Renjun. He wouldn't want to hurt Auradon. Just give the sceptre and I'll forgive you-" 

"You'll forgive me? I don't think so. Sleeping is too good for you. Sleeping is too good for Auradon!" Renjun yelled out.

Lifting the sceptre, Renjun swung it around before slamming it on the floor. His hand hovered over the head of the sceptre before whispering some words. Without the ability to stop Renjun, Mark attempted to reach for the sceptre but failed and without warning, was hit by the spell. Renjun let out a baleful laugh proud of himself before vanishing from Mark's office. 


And so the task was done. The Villain Kids were able to get their bikes back and Donghyuck was able to get his hands on Hades ember. If anything it was a very successful mission, next was to get back to Auradon, use the ember to stop Renjun and help to get the sleeping citizens awake again.

"Alright get in get out!" Donghyuck announced as the others nodded their heads in agreement. 

Jeno took the remote that was in his pocket and pressed a button that would open the barrier. Watching as the barrier opened to a specific size it stopped allowing the group to escape. Unfortunately, they were so focused on the fact that they were able to leave the Isle that they completely forgot if someone was tailing them. Right before the barrier was about to close two boys made a run for it both managing to jump through the barrier, ending Roly Poly. 

"We did it, bro!" The muscular one cheered.

"We made it!" The other said with a hook for a hand.

The two hugged each other delighted that they were alive and didn't have to face what would happen if they got caught by the barrier. It was only a matter of seconds before their happy mood fell to one of defence and slight fear

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