♛Chapter 26: Rage Of A God♛

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As soon as the Limo made its way to the Isle, the newcomers, Sungchan and Shotaro, were already waiting for them with their parent/guardian with them. It took only a matter of minutes after arriving for the two to load their bags into the limo and for it to set off to the place the two new villain kids were very much excited for.

As the barrier started to open for the Limo to make its way through, the people of Auradon all were on edge, excited for the new arrival of Sungchan the son of Drizella and Shotaro the son of Dr Facilier.

"The only reason they should be opening that barrier is to put Yangyang back in, not letting more villains out..." Queen Tiffany whispered to Renjun who couldn't disagree any less.

As much as Renjun was enjoying getting along with the group of four villains, especially Jeno, he knew his grandmother was correct. She always was correct and if she wasn't well that meant Renjun would be stupid enough to think she wasn't even if his heart was telling him no.

Jungwoo turned around to see the villain kids wave as the limo was now a few metres away from the barrier that was starting to close. He saw the heartbreaking faces along with the optimistic ones still there even if most had left.

Suddenly among the crowd, someone was shoving desperately, trying to make their way past the gathering. They were tall like a giant with blue fiery hair and a blue gemstone which was held tightly.

Loud shrilled cries were heard as the person ran over to the barrier shoving their fist with the saphire blue gemstone straight into the hole in the barrier that was getting closed up. Most people if regularly attempted to do so would have had their arm amputated but clearly, this person was no regular human being. 

"It's Johnny! Stop the car! He's trying to escape!" Jungwoo announced to the people in the limo causing everyone to turn back and find out what the elder was trying to do.

Johnny, also known as Hades, was attempting to rip open the barrier with both his hands. Now that his ember was filled with magic he was easily able to fight his way into an opening for him to climb through. The barrier was weakening, and with enough time, Johnny could make his way through.

The limo stopped and instantly King Mark opened the door and rushed over to the sight of the attack. Unable to do anything he watched as Johnny's head and shoulders were able to make their way through the barrier.

"I am a God! I don't belong here!" Johnny yelled as his hair lit on fire causing the VKs along with King Mark to jump back a bit.

Like natural soldiers and bodyguards at the same time, Jeno, Jisung and Mark attempted to try and fight Johnny but instantly lost as the ember was completely charged and blasted magic powerful enough that he knocked the three down easily. 

In shock, Jungwoo felt his legs unable to move. He was paralysed. Looking at Donghyuck for help, he saw that the boy was shocked with a mix of anger. Johnny laughed at the sight, looking in Donghyuck's direction as if what he did was a joke.

Knowing he had to do something Donghyuck remembered the form that might help him fight Johnny. Taking deep and quick breaths he knew his eyes would be glowing green any moment. Once they did he was ready to change his form into one most were now used to.

The purple smoke surrounded him as he became one of his favourite forms, a dragon. Flying up to give himself some leverage the dragon put himself into a position where he could easily attack Johnny. He screeched to catch the attention of everyone around him and alert them that he was in dragon form.

For Johnny, this wasn't good. His once smile dropped into fear as he noticed the dragon getting ready to attack him. Out of instinct, he used the ember again creating a bright blue beam of light to make its way to Donghyuck whilst holding onto the barrier that could close any moment.

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