♛Chapter 11: The Coronation♛

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"Hey, guys! How is everyone?" Mark asked.

Still awkward from what just happened nobody replied to the prince. After the scene that was just played out the prince couldn't help but feel like the VKs weren't in the wrong. It's not every day you have the whole world turned against you. 

"Hey listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay!" Mark optimistically expressed kissing Donghyuck's cheek as he knew the boy was probably heartbroken by the words he was told.

"I'll see you guys later..." Mark sighed knowing he had lots of matters to sort out now as his father said, it was his fault and he probably had to take the blame for it and also clear up the mess created after.

"Listen Jungwoo, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just-"

"Lucas!" Jaemin yelled now conscious and sitting on a bench just next to the VKs not making it any more obvious to show their hate for them.

"It's my fault, Lucas. I'm so sorry," Jungwoo sadly expressed watching as Lucas had to walk back to where all the other kids were.

"No, it's mine," Lucas quickly blamed, before walking back to the bench with a sulky face of not being able to talk to Jungwoo.

"How long does he think that's going to last? Donghyuck is just the bad boy infatuation," Renjun told Chenle who only looked at Donghyuck dirtily.

"Yeah! I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen!" Chenle added, saying that right next to Donghyuck's face so he was meant to hear what was said laughing as they walked away from the VK table.

Donghyuck out of rage took his spell book and opened it on one of the pages used before, it was bookmarked and ready to be used if anyone who he showed kindness to was ready to taunt him for something he didn't do wrong. If his existence was meant to give hell to others but instead he was getting hell he was bound to fight back.

"Beware, foreswear, undo Chenle's hair," Donghyuck quickly chanted making Chenle's hair go back into the haircut he was embarrassed with.

Feeling the heaviness of his head, Chenle let out a loud shriek as sniggering of laughter and gasps were scattered around. Most people were not scared of Donghyuck because if that was what happened to Chenle, what would happen to them? 

"There's a lot more where that came from," Donghyuck threatened the other people who he helped change their hair.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Renjun argued and looked at Donghyuck extremely annoyed thinking that Donghyuck wasn't threatening anyone because the power of good always beats evil.

"Do I look like I am kidding?" The son of Maleficent terrorised, glaring back at the other kids who thought they were powerful when really they were powerless compared to the VKs. 

Just as Donghyuck took the spellbook out, the others ran away making sure to not be anywhere near the people who now could be classified as dangerous and could harm you if you were on their bad side.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand!" Donghyuck smirked as he turned around and looked at Jungwoo, Jeno and Jisung.


Finally, the day had come. The day everyone in Auradon waited for mainly because it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the coronation of Prince Mark! But for the villains, it was the day they would take over and get their revenge.

"At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Minhyuck will soon be crowned King! I'm Gong Myung, bringing you up to the second coverage of Ten Thousand Years Will Give You Such A Crick In The Neck!"

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