♛Chapter 9: A Sweet Reminder♛

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Donghyuck was about to give up. His body just happened to pull him further and further into the water and unable to swim he felt himself sinking, and sinking.

Suddenly something touched his legs as he was pulled forward away from the deep end. He then felt the thing touching his legs properly secure itself under his legs and then his back. The thing pulled him up so he started to float on the water and his feet no longer had to feel weak on the floor.

Hyperventilating from the experience his eyes were completely shut knowing he was in the arms of someone trustworthy. The soft breeze on his face was all he needed to feel a little warmer and what helped was the tiled floor being heated by the sunlight.

Mark left the boy for a second before rushing to get the towel he had for the both of them and wrapped it around Donghyuck to make him warmer. He was extremely worried for the younger trying his best to make him panic less and calm down.

When Donghyuck's breathing slowed down and he was able to forget the odd experience he no longer was scared but now disgusted with himself for having to put so much of his trust in Mark to assure he was safe. Was he set up?

Mark shook his head like animals get water off their fur after Donghyuck was in a good state. Smiling at Donghyuck to show him that he was in a safe place, Mark watched as Donghyuck's face dropped drastically.

"You scared me!" Donghyuck scolded almost feeling like bursting into tears but punched Mark's torso instead of feeling his muscular upper body.

"You can't swim?" Mark remarked, shocked that the younger wasn't able to swim hence why he almost drowned.

"No!" Donghyuck replied not happy at all, he was cold and wet and shivering a lot and there Mark was laughing at him. 

"But you live on an island..."

Donghyuck stared at Mark judgmentally.

"Yeah! With a barrier around it, remember?" He grumbled while trying to heat himself as quickly as possible. 

That wasn't working though as he kept on blowing on his hands feeling as they warmed for mere seconds before vanishing, into his surroundings.

"And yet you still tried to save me..." 

Donghyuck looked at Mark again. He looked like he was somewhat happy to know that Donghyuck tried to save him despite the fact he almost died. But something about the smile on Mark's face made Donghyuck's heart flutter yet he was supposed to be angry. So he rolled his eyes in response instead of looking more at Mark. 

"Yeah! And did you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet!" Donghyuck grumpily yelled at Mark throwing his arms in the air and slamming them on the warm floor.

"And this fancy rock! It's yours! Make a wish and throw it back into the lake," Mark added showing the younger a really pretty crystal rock that was semi-wet. 

It was a quartz rock shaped almost like a crown on fire. Snatching it off the elder he quickly looked at it before looking at Mark who had the same goofy smile that made his heart flutter. Donghyuck rolled his eyes again. 

With the crystal in his hand, he threw it right next to Mark so it almost hit his head but it was lucky to miss by mere centimetres. A loud plonk was heard as Mark looked at Donghyuck in shock. Yeah...

Donghyuck was certainly not happy.

The said boy then got up from where he was as Mark quickly got out of the lake properly. To stop him from leaving, Mark got his blue and yellow varsity jacket and put it around Donghyuck's shoulders, chuckling a little from his action before taking the towel off Donghyuck and drying his hair with it.

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