♛Chapter 8: First Date♛

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There was a warm breeze that blew in Donghyuck's face as his hands were wrapped around the elder's waist who was riding the scooter. The was driving through the forests that only made the air more fresher and humid. Donghyuck was in love with it. 

Looking into the back mirror, Mark saw the wide smile on Donghyuck's face, his heart fluttering at the sight. He couldn't wait till he got to their date destination because he could only wait in anticipation to see Donghyuck's face smile wider.

"Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone," Mark spoke as an icebreaker while the two walked over a wooden bridge.

The bridge was over a river and it was a little bit unstable in the sense that it rocked side to side but it wasn't dangerous hence why they couldn't take the blue moped any further. 

The younger thought for a second not knowing what to say to answer Mark's question. The first thing that came to head was home and probably how different he was from Mark.

"Um... I say I am an only child but I actually have 3 siblings. I'm the eldest but I don't like talking about my other family members since they kind of left me," Donghyuck simply said knowing how his siblings don't really associate with Ten.

They stay somewhere else, probably with the pirates for all he knew maybe they found their father that left them all those years ago. He was useless anyway, leaving him to cope with a mother like that.

"3 huh?" Mark clarified in awe of the younger.

"Yeah! Just my mum doing what he does best! Being really, really evil. They ran away because they had enough of Mother's nagging," Donghyuck lightly chuckled remembering the small fragments of his memories with his siblings which were nothing because they were too young to be cherished.

"I have an older brother-" 

"You have a brother!" Donghyuck exclaimed looking to Mark not realising he moved so quickly that the bridge moved and he almost fell.

"Yeah. We don't mention him though. He too left at one point. Guess that's something we have in common." Mark laughed as he helped Donghyuck get up.

The two looked at each other before laughing with each other and walking down the rest bridge which was near the destination.

"Okay, I want you to close your eyes now! The place I'm going to take you to will be a secret!" Mark smiled at Donghyuck as he held his hands. 

Donghyuck never trusted anyone aside from Jeno, Jisung and Jungwoo. Anybody else and it would be a definite stay away from. But something about Mark's face could only tell him that he should trust him. The younger sighed, closing his eyes but only for the sake of Mark.


"Watch your foot. Are you good?" Mark asked as they were at the last root and finally at the destination. 

A slight hum of certainty escaped Donghyuck's lips, as he landed perfectly fine on the ground. He then realised that there was no unlevelled grass or dirt or tree roots under his feet.

"Now step up. There you go. You ready?" Mark asked as he brought Donghyuck into his arms and faced him in the direction of the picnic area using his hands to cover Donghyuck's eyes properly. 

After a small and quick nod, Mark smiled at the cuteness of the tanned boy before taking his hands off his eyes. He then leaned into the younger's ear before quietly murmuring an instruction.


The tickling sensation of Mark whispering against his ear made the boy all flustered as his eyes opened wide as if it were an instinct. A gasp escaped out of Donghyuck's lips in shock but he was lucky that Mark saw that as a reaction of the place instead.

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