🕸Chapter 15: The Dog That Talks🕸

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"All right, boys, let's line it up. Jisung you're with me, let's go." Jeno commanded as he caught everyone's attention. 

Jeno was just put as the captain and that made everyone glad it wasn't Jaemin. Over the past year, the boy's attitude to sports and others had a 180 turn and that is what made him really delighted to be on a team with Jeno as captain.

"Rassamble! Salute!" Jeno announced as everyone was in a position to fight, lifting the sword in his hand to show respect to Jisung, his opponent.

"Lower the point!" Jeno instructed watching as everyone else did so before looking at everyone ready to start the match.

"Mask down! En garde!"

In a matter of seconds, all the masked people started to fight their opponents. Grunts of exhaustion from trying to touch the opponent with the sword came out of the people working their asses to defeat the other person.

"Keep your centre! Eyes on your opponent! Up and over!" Jeno advised as he was easily able to throw Jisung to the side and get him into a corner.

Before Jeno could do anything someone came straight at him with lots of force, almost like an assassin. It was unexpected and he didn't expect the person to have great skill. The expectancy caused the whole team to stop and a fighting space to be created as everyone was curious to find out who was under the mask.

The fight was tough as the person already landed the sword on him about 5 times already. In shock, everyone stopped as Jeno took his helmet off and a proper crowd was formed, even the cheerleaders and watchers were interested.

Cheers were heard for both people but louder for the person fighting against Jeno as it was clear they were on another level to Jeno's skills.

"Come on Jeno!" Jisung cheered wanting Jeno not to lose after all he was the ace and the captain.

But the fight came to an end when the sword was taken off Jeno making everyone shocked at the move. Jeno defiantly lost. The other kept on trying to hit Jeno as a warning but didn't touch him.

"Oh, Jeno what happened?" Jisung whined wanting Jeno to but clearly, he had lost.

"Finish him!" Jaemin joined in making Jeno smirk at the younger cheering for him. 

Just at that moment, he kicked the sword out of the opponent's hand catching it in his so he now had a sword. He stopped intrigued to see who was under the mask. and as if in que the person instantly took the helmet off shocking everyone at the sight of who it was.

"It's Renjun!" Chenle gasped as he was one of the cheerleaders watching from the distance, this caught Jisung's attention making him smile but he had to focus on practice.

"Not bad!" Jeno exclaimed causing Renjun to roll his eyes as he knew Jeno was probably flirting with him now.

"You should put me on the team." Renjun instantly confronted making others around them gasp when Jeno liked the idea.

"Hey... What? No, no, no. We'll be the laughingstock of the league! And what's going to happen next? We'll have midgets playing tourney. Come on, guys!" Jaemin interrupted.

As much as Jaemin loved Renjun but also hated his guts he wasn't a massive fan of what Renjun was planning on doing and Jeno's plan on agreeing.

"So?" Jeno asked, not understanding why Renjun couldn't play.

"So? So have you not read the rulebook? Section 2, Paragraph 3, 12-7. 'A team will be compromised of a captain and eight people over 5'7.' Mmm? You should read the rulebook!" Jaemin announced taking the book he had in his back pocket and showing it to the other players.

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