🕸Chapter 21: The Wand Or The King🕸

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"Ok, look, this is not a conversation. It's a do-or-die situation. If you don't give me back the king. I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here. That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration. Release him now, and we can go our separate ways. Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs." Donghyuck sassed at Yangyang, but Yangyang didn't buy a single bit of it, yawing in boredom at the elder's speech.

"Ha ha, so that's your big speech, huh? An empty ultimatum?" Yangyang asked only for Hendery to get fed up with what was happening.

The said boy made his way to the entrance of the ship and looked down at the 6 boys, 4 of whom he knew and 2 of whom he disliked the sight of instantly.

"All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him, a matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him and if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him. All it takes is one long look and I'll-"

Yangyang quickly silenced Hendery before saying what was going to happen to Mark. It was meant to be a secret so that they wouldn't know what would happen to Mark. 

"Hey, we don't have to choose, we don't have to light the fuse! Donghyuck, whatever you do, it's gonna be a loss, there's gotta be a better way. Yangyang, I promise I'll give you your chance, you'll have your say!" Mark yelled from the plank making everyone realise they were there for Mark and they had to get him out of there.

Yangyang only bitterly laughs at Mark's attempts to invite him into Auradon. He didn't want a helping hand, he would get there himself and because of himself only.

"Silly king, you? Give me? You're gonna give me a chance? Well, not a chance! Make the trade or walk the plank." Yangyang sweetly said before realising Donghyuck gave the wand without hesitation.

"Hold up. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work." Yangyang smirked thinking he was able to outsmart Donghyuck.

"You were always quite the Drama Queen," Donghyuck smirked back, lucky to see Daegal walk onto the docks and already thinking about how to show the wand works.

"Oh, and nothing too big or else Mark is fish bait." Yangyang laughed indicating how Mark was held by Hendery and if he wasn't holding on Mark would have already fallen.

Other pirates laughed as the VKs knew there wasn't a possible way to get the wand to work especially since it is fake. They were screwed. But Donghyuck being the smart boy he is, took the wand and pointed it at Daegal, making the others turn round to see what they were doing.

"Okay. Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Donghyuck said waving the wand at the dog. No sparks came out from them but there was a feeling that it, actually worked.

Donghyuck glared at Daegal expecting the dog to speak after all she was just panting and sitting but the stairs to the docks.

"Does this vest make me look fat? Hey does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?" Daegal barked making the crew laugh at the fact there was a talking dog in front of them. 

Yangyang along with them also had a smile on his face but that quickly dropped as that wasn't what he wanted.

"Give me the wand!" Yangyang growled only for Donghyuck to fight back.

"Give me Mark!" Donghyuck snapped back as Yangyang kissed his teeth disappointed in the elder.

"Hendery bring him over!" Yangyang spat, seeing as he dragged the king from the plank and towards them.

"Oh yeah, and before you go, uh, tell your mum Gaston says hi, and tell your dad that my dad wishes he finished off your dad when he had the chance." Xiaojun quickly added when he came down from the viewpoint so he could bid Mark goodbye.

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