38. Cursed bond

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''Koo, baby...can you tell me what happened while you were out there?'' Jin asked Jungkook who was trying to get his dada's attention but failed as the alpha had a grumpy face and was avoiding looking into his son's puppy eyes --he didn't want to forgive the younger that soon.

Jungkook looked at jin then shook his head at the older omega with a big pout on his lips. ''I won't tell until dada talks to be me!'' Jungkook huffed. Jin sighed and then glared at Jackson who skillfully avoided looking at the older.

Hobi crossed his arms against his chest and looked at his husband with a raised brow. ''Honey...you need stop acting like a kid. Even Yoongi forgave koo.'' The mentioned alpha was indeed mad at his baby brother but the moment he saw the teary eyes and pouty lips he couldn't stay mad at him. Yoongi was weak for his adorable brother.

''And i know you are not even mad at koo. Look, my baby looks like he is going to cry.'' Hobi said with a dramatic gasp. Jackson looked at his son whom hobi had cleaned up and changed into a pair of fresh clothes which is, of course, Taehyung's clothes --hobi swear the omega doesn't wear his own clothes anymore-- and had his head on Jackson's lap while he sat on the couch with his arms crossed against his chest pretending to be mad at his son as he discreetly peeked at his son's face to make sure he wasn't really crying. He pursed his lips when he saw the omega blink at him innocently. He sighed, it was impossible to stay mad at the omega.

''Dada...I am sorry. I won't do something like that again.'' The omega mumbled through his pout. His eyes watered when he saw his dada stare at him expressionlessly.

He threw his arms around the alpha's neck hugging him tightly while mumbling muffled sorry's. Jackson couldn't keep up his 'I-am-mad-at-you' look any more and hugged back his son. Jungkook smiled happily when the older hugged him back. ''Dada, I promise i won't do something like that again. So please don't be mad at me.'' Jungkook kissed his dada's cheeks.

After all Jackson was a human who can't resist his baby's adorable face. He squished the omega's cheeks. ''Oh my god...my son is so adorable that i can't even stay mad at him.'' Jungkook giggled scrunching his nose when the older booped them.

Jin awed at the omega then shook his head when he remembered that he have to ask the youngest one about what happened. He looked at his husband who was already looking at him with a raised brow. Namjoon had tried talking to the younger omega which failed brilliantly as the omega straight out ignored him, then his wife decided to help him, which he was still doing.

''Koo...baby, your dada talked to you and he isn't even mad at you now. So, will you tell us what happened while you were outside?'' Jin asked sweetly and patiently. Being the mother of a troublesome twins have given him a great level of patience.

Jungkook smiled showing off his adorable bunny smile and nodded his head making jin sigh in relief. Jin would have made the younger talk earlier if not for Jackson who was being a kid. Jin looked at Namjoon who smiled at him in satisfaction and winked making jin blush at unexpected attack.

Jungkook open his mouth to narrate what happened.''I choose the shortcut, I wanted to reach hyungie sooner-''

''Baby, but you shouldn't have sneaked out in the first place.'' Jackson interrupted but shut his mouth when he saw jin and namjoon glare at him. He gulped nervously, maybe he shouldn't have opened his mouth and interrupted his son.

He also wanted to know what happened but he didn't want his son to relive something bad when he knew his son had encountered some thugs, what if they had hurt his baby? He surely doesn't want his baby to think about that again if thats the case. Maybe Namjoon and Jin understood his worry thats why they only glared at him and not scold him. But they don't think something bad happened as Jungkook was unharmed and didn't even look scared or anxious, for someone who had to deal with some thugs he looked too calm and clueless.

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